Friday, November 3, 2017



How I lost count of days ..oh my
The other day when I accompanied hub to the Alor Setar Hospital it was a Wednesday. I thought it was a Tuesday.
So terkejut I bila baca timeline . Rupanya harini dah Friday. How time flies.

Hope my days ahead and those I loved be happy and blessed.
Reading about the misfortunes of others which were tragic made me realised that whatever miseries we have at the moment,we should be strong. For someone out there have bigger miseries.Dont look at others who were in their glories and fortunes. Buat sakit hati bila kita compare dengan mereka kan. Bukan envious of them but that feeling of being small .

Bersyukur dengan apa yang ada.
Sometimes I do envy people who were carefree and everything falls exactly in place on time. Kerja,pencen dan enjoy ke sana sini lepas pencen..

Everyday is a new day.
Yesterday is history and tomorrow is what may .  Ada nyawa ada lagi....haha macam tagline GV...ada lagu ada lagi.

Gratitude... some points to ponder

biasakan diri mengucap everybody. To the cashiers,to the waitress who waits on you.To the person who let you pass through first.. To your spouse n surely to God.

body language too shows your gratitude.
 Muka yang masam,badan yang kayu masa mengucap terimakasih tak bawa

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 Last but not the beautiful mommas struggling to bring up kids..Jangan terlalu banyak merungut. Anggap setiap yang dihadapi sebagai blessings kerana tak semua wanita boleh mendapat pengalaman anda. Anda yang terpilih dan percayalah... pejam celik,pejam celik,your kids are no kids anymore. So enjoy the moment.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

kisah semalam...lepas kempunan pasemboq HSB.

Semalam,seharian ciksoncikli berkampung di HSB. Where else if not Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah ,Alor Setar. After so long,at last cikli was referred to the doktor pakar here.With a phone call,the appointment was set yesterday.

Early in the morning,we set upon our journey there along the Kangar Jitra route. The road where you would have to endure numerous ,countless traffic lights even where the traffic lights doesnt seem to serve any purpose.

Feeling a little bit down with my health,I seeked the help of cikli's niece to drive us there. By and by ,cikli's sister joined the trip and off we went at a little past seven.

By 8.45 we reached the hospital ground. Deposited cikli and his sister at the lobby while makcik and niece proceeded to find a parking space way back at the furthest end of the hospital ground.

Eh...depa dah tar la tempat parking ni!
You know,the last time we were there,we could literally swim in the pools of water on the ground.

Haha... panjang no intro. So now to the main story.

After a few miscalculated moves,cikli was finally ushered into the pakar mata's klinik. An utterly happy go lucky officer in charge took cikli into a cubicle.
Waris boleh masuk ka? I asked.
Cik ,bilik ni macam kubuq.
What? kubuq@ liang lahad? ...came my bewildered question.
Ya la... ni sorang saja boleh masuk macam kita masuk kubur. Was his reply.

Then it was room 61 and 62 . Here the waiting game took four hours.

Leaving cikli there, the three of us went to the cafeteria for our breakfast.And all of us have pasemboq !! Early in the morning. Mmg uuumphla pasemboq ni kata depa.

BY 1 cikli finished his meet the doctor and was given a tentaive date for his op. November the 11.

Waris Rosli Saad sila masuk.,came an announcement.

Well..who else. It was me!
In I went and met the stren looking nurse in charge. Her stern sounding voice was on point. Tak dak senyum senyum atau lawak. Beza benau dengan that gentleman at the previous room.

Cik Keluar hospital.Depan tu ada kedai,pi bayar harga RM 700 bla bla bla.
Maaf cik,kalau guna kad pesara boleh tak...saja makcik tanya.
Boleh ,tapi procedure dia lain. Kalau bayar 700 tarikh dah tetap. Kad pesara kena tunggu dua tiga minggu.

RM 700 zaman najib ni,bukan senang nak cari. Ubat kaki dia lagi.. came my explanation. Hold on sat no,biaq makcik pi discuss dengan pakcik.

So out I went to talk to cikli. Bayar or kad. Kalau bayar tak boleh claim balik.

5 bulan I boleh tunggu. Ni 2 minggu ke 3 minggu saja. Guna kad sajalah. Duit banyak nak pakai.
Betul. Sejak akhir2 ni cikli and me selalu saja kena beli ubat and supplement. Jumpa doktor utk batuk2 pun dah hampir 80 ringgit . Tertekan sunggoh .

So... in the end it was isi borang. Tunggu hingga depa panggil bila dah lulus nanti.
Then I learned that kad pesara,gl and cash are three different medium of paying at the govt hospital. And each has its pro and on.

At two we were on our way home. But before that luch at the canteen again and I tapaued 5 bungkus of pasemboq!
2 for us,1 for cikli's ipar and 2 for cikli's parents.
Haaaa ha.... lepas kempunan makan pasemboq HSB punya hal.

Thats all folk. The story of an old  couple on the waiting list....

Bye...Have a happy Wednesday folks.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Teh Tam Mok Lang... nina's story

Thus are the names of Ninasandaq's latest addition
Teh...she's the only white
Tam...she's basically blacker than her siblings
Mok...she's the fattest and bumbum of the brood.
Lang...well,mamason couldnt make up any more appropriate name beside Lang. She got stripes thats why she's named so.

These rambuctious four are the epitome of mamason aka cikson's happyliness..aha

Happyliness? New vocab ka mama?

Tehtamoklang..are here to greet cikson every morning when she opened the bedroom door after subuh. The quartet are still housed in RBL as mamason took pity on them to let them out outdoor.
The time will come when off they will be let to roam outside when they are much bigger.

One day,she was feeding ninsandaq when she let the door ajar. She didnt realise that one of the kittens followed nina out. Amboi..berani sungguk si kecil tu terjun tangga.
After sometimes as she was engrossed in her usual mundane task of cleaning RBl,she spied something under the jambu tree.
Ninasandaq was holding/ dragging a tiny motionless being in her mouth.
After close inspection,mamason realised it was one of the kitten.

Nina, buat apa tu?
La awat dok heret anak ke hulu kehiliaq .. came her stormy voice.
She opened the glass door and let the mother daughter in.

Nina laid the baby on the ground where the later stay motionless. Only after a while she regained conciousness and limped away. Nina was seen puffing with her red little tongue .

Mau mati anak hang,hang heret keliling rumah. Cikson scolded the mummy. And Nina looked up at her with eyes so sad that the sky could fall in a moment.

Pandai drama ya... came cikson closing remark..

Ragam anak anak Ninsandaq . layaaaaan.

eh kenapa ada bau ni... teh on checking cikli's wheelchair

Sini pun...mamason kena cuci ni

Issssh teh...jangan komplen la. Kita bukan buat kerja pun. Tau nak komplen. Kesian mamason.
Jom cari mamanina,dahaga la

eh kau kenapa teh... nenenla. Ni dok massage pula. Sayang nina ya.

eh... pintu terbuka la. Jom kita tengok apa ada

Nina mana pi anak?
Ntah... semua aku. Semua aku. Letihlah nak jaga semua. Pak depa kot
nak ambik tau... menciii.

Lekas ...tgk apa dok buat. 

cer cerita macamana rasa dok kat luar tu
Tanya Mok pada Tam Teh dan Lang
Thats all folks. Have a gud day.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Ada hari lauk ku tawaq hebiaq..

So many things happenend these last few days.
Somedays just passed by .Some days time seemed standing still.

Macam harini. Aku terlebih rajin . Pagi2 kemas rumah,basuh dan sidai baju dan terus masak bila jam 11.00 . Cikli ke klinik dengan adiknya.

Hmmm,menu apa ya
Tanya cikli dia proposed aku masak nasi lemak.Tapi lemak lemak selalu pun tak baik utk cikli dan aku.Kata aku.
So aku masak nasi minyak,dalca dan goreng ayam. Sambal kosong dan acar rampai bercuka.

Tiba...teeeeet teeeet bunyi telepon dalam bilik. Nak ignore nombor tu tapi curiousity got the better of me.
Rupanya Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah called to set the date of appointment. That is first of November.
Oh bulan depan ya... aku bersuara.
Lusa la cik...kata suara disebalik sana.
Ya tak ya...lusa.
Lauk atas dapur. Aku dalam bilik . Lepas ambil pesanan dan mencatat nota aku ke dapur kembali.
Rasa dalca...hmmm ok
Rasa nasi ... well bolehlah.

dalca ayam tawaq hebiaq.

Lepas masak,tengok nasi pun banyak aku buat satu set untuk dihantar ke MIL. Nasi ,dalca,acar ku tatang dalam talam. Dan juadah tgh hari sampai kemeja makan mereka sedang mereka pun sedang makan.

Kembali ke rumah dan sediakan hidangan atas meja. Lepas dzohor,cikli dan aku mengadap hidangan.
Ooooih... awat ni lauk tawaq hebiaq. Tak rasa pa pun.
Betullah kata cikli. Memang dalca tak rasa garam langsung!

Itulah...bila memasak kalau ada distractions, mau kelaut jadinya.

Kenapa aku rasa macam aku dah letak garam.
Mana tidaknya.... kepala dok pikiaq bab urusan cikli ke hospital di alor Setar nanti. Dekat seribu duit yang disuruh sedia. Dan aku pun bukan sihat sangat boleh memandu ke sana macam dulu. ...isssh.

Lusa kita tengok macamana.