Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Teh Tam Mok Lang... nina's story

Thus are the names of Ninasandaq's latest addition
Teh...she's the only white
Tam...she's basically blacker than her siblings
Mok...she's the fattest and bumbum of the brood.
Lang...well,mamason couldnt make up any more appropriate name beside Lang. She got stripes thats why she's named so.

These rambuctious four are the epitome of mamason aka cikson's happyliness..aha

Happyliness? New vocab ka mama?

Tehtamoklang..are here to greet cikson every morning when she opened the bedroom door after subuh. The quartet are still housed in RBL as mamason took pity on them to let them out outdoor.
The time will come when off they will be let to roam outside when they are much bigger.

One day,she was feeding ninsandaq when she let the door ajar. She didnt realise that one of the kittens followed nina out. Amboi..berani sungguk si kecil tu terjun tangga.
After sometimes as she was engrossed in her usual mundane task of cleaning RBl,she spied something under the jambu tree.
Ninasandaq was holding/ dragging a tiny motionless being in her mouth.
After close inspection,mamason realised it was one of the kitten.

Nina, buat apa tu?
La awat dok heret anak ke hulu kehiliaq .. came her stormy voice.
She opened the glass door and let the mother daughter in.

Nina laid the baby on the ground where the later stay motionless. Only after a while she regained conciousness and limped away. Nina was seen puffing with her red little tongue .

Mau mati anak hang,hang heret keliling rumah. Cikson scolded the mummy. And Nina looked up at her with eyes so sad that the sky could fall in a moment.

Pandai drama ya... came cikson closing remark..

Ragam anak anak Ninsandaq . layaaaaan.

eh kenapa ada bau ni... teh on checking cikli's wheelchair

Sini pun...mamason kena cuci ni

Issssh teh...jangan komplen la. Kita bukan buat kerja pun. Tau nak komplen. Kesian mamason.
Jom cari mamanina,dahaga la

eh kau kenapa teh... nenenla. Ni dok massage pula. Sayang nina ya.

eh... pintu terbuka la. Jom kita tengok apa ada

Nina mana pi anak?
Ntah... semua aku. Semua aku. Letihlah nak jaga semua. Pak depa kot
nak ambik tau... menciii.

Lekas ...tgk apa dok buat. 

cer cerita macamana rasa dok kat luar tu
Tanya Mok pada Tam Teh dan Lang
Thats all folks. Have a gud day.

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