Monday, October 2, 2017

Blogging and I

Aku mmg minat membaca. Apa saja aku baca. Bentuk apa jua.
So you can see me pondering over pieces of paper before I chuck them out. This habit stemmed out when I was very very young. Sekolah rendah lagi selepas aku kenal abc. Selalu aku kena herdik kakak sulung sbb aku slow buat kerja.
Hang ni lembab. Dok belek kertas kertas tu buat apa..mmg pemula sengketa antara kami berdua.
Ya la mmg lembab la kerja kalau aku asyik belek belek kertas pembungkus gula,ikan kering hatta belacan..hhaha.
Tapi satulah ...kerana aku suka baca my general knowledge mengatasi rakan rakan sedarjah. Nak tau depa gelar apa aku..bookworm,walking dictioanary,miss know all ..hehe.

Sekarang pun aku masih gemar membaca. Tengok tv aku minat yang beri knowledge atau yg true stories. Kalau yang berfantasi aku kurang gemari. Sbb aku rasa tak memberi apa apa pada diri. Itu kata akulah. Yg gemar jangan pula nak marah ..

Dulu dulu juga aku gemar simpan diari. Tapi entah kemana habis mereka lari. Tak tinggal satu pun buat memori. Elok jugalah begitu kerana diari aku banyak terisi cerita sakit hati. Mau dok ulang tayang bukan ada pun faedahnya. Sakit lagi adalah..

Then enter blogging world.
I was introduced to it by my own daughter who was a keen blogger at that time. My son did the registration. Bila nak register nama,aku tercari cari ilham.
Mula nak letak nama yg selalu dilaungkan masa nak buka pintu gua. Tak jadilah..common sangat.
Tiba2 tiga ekor kucing yg ku sayangi melintas depan mata.
Mok,Jade and Dell
So terangkumlah nama mereka menjadi mokjadeandell...haha panjang ya amat. Mula2 ku buang mok. Jadi jadeandell. Tapi satu hari aku dapati jadeandell digunakan utk satu site apa entah. Dan aku tak suka . Jadi aku letak mok kembali... sampai hari ni.
Mokjadeandell itu adalah nama kucing kucing kesayangan yang pernah beri rasa gembira dalam hati aku.

Mula blogging,aku privatekan. Readers aku saja. Lepas tu baru aku let all sundry to read. Tapi habislah aku nak cerita segala apa saja yang aku nak. Kena hati hati. Takut sentuh orang lain punya harga diri dan perasaan. Tapi kadang kadang apa yg aku tulis tak sama seperti orang lain menginterpritasi. So what can I do? Kena hati hati lagi.
Aku paling suka kalau tulisan aku mendapat komen komen dari pembaca. Rasa ada juga manusia yg sudi bertegur sapa. Lebih lebih lagi sekarang ni susah aku nak ke mana mana. Bertapa saja di RBL. Hingga cikli sembuh sepenuhnya,itu saja lah yg boleh ku buat. Nak kemana mana pun terbatas saja.
Rindunya nak naik ets atau flight ke mana saja yg terasa...

The other day I put an idea forward to cikli
Jom kita pindah pi dok dgn anak anak. Kita dok Pahang atau KL mau.
Kita ubah tempat duduk kita supaya ada jugalah yg boleh dok cerita. Ni asyik2 spital,RBL saja.

And cikli diam saja.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Vocab baru... tompal

TomPal ya...bukan tompel.

I was driving my cikli to the clinic when we passed a few foodshops. Some were open while others have their shutters down.

Sat lagi balik kita lunch sini,I proposed
Tak maulah... masin selalu.
To another shop ,he had this to say... asam pedaih tak macam asam pedaih. Buat lah tompal ka .

Tompal? I enquired.
Tu semalam yang you masak tu. Tompallah tu.

I had a hearty laugh when he explained.
Tu tomyam campur epal semalam. Bolehlah makan kalau tegha tu.

Well,yesterday my fridge went dry. I had a few pieces of chicken, a piece of carrot, tomyam sauce which I turned into a tomyam ayam. Then an idea struck me. Into which a few slices of green apples were thrown into the pot. The root of the saderi palnt to found its way into the tomyam. Not forgetting thin slices of bunga kantan.
And taraaaa... this is the tomyam that I served cikli yesterday.
Mujur dia tak sakit perut .

After the clinic was done, to Giant we went. Niat tu nak makan tgh hari. Cari parking susah pula hari minggu dan baru gaji. Nak park jauh jauh kesian cikli nak menapak tgh panas. So to the next block of buildings we went.
That cafe with the difficult name was close. So into another cafe we went. Ordered nasi lemak even though it was lunch time while cikli went for nasi goreng kampung.  Paid 20 for the lunch cum brunch. Quite pricy.

Hmm... I nak mkn tompallah balik sat lagi..cikli said. ADA lagi ka?

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Life as it is... sombre Saturday

Its a sombre Saturday morning up here in the north ,dear people.
The sky is dull without the usual sunrays as of normal days. Its going to rain once again. As I took out the clothes to dry ,the clouds in the horizon I notice was heavy. Anytime the rain would come down. I tell myself. Gather back the washings and would hang them to dry when the sky is clear. Hope so.

Paid the bills for October. Hmmm.... gone is my hard earned pension. Leaving just enough to see us through. But I have to be grateful. Ada lagi boleh makan, ada bumbung boleh berteduh dari hujan dan panas and ada lagi kekeuatan dan kesihatan untuk meneruskan hidup yg berbaki ini.

My feeling is very brittle these few days when I heard of misfortunes met by my loved ones and my few known friends and acquiantances.
Tentu kecewa ibu dan bapa yang membesarkan si anak yg terpesong dari landasan agama dan kehidupan. I told myself. Those 7 kids who burnt down the tahfiz are now in court. Whatever the outcome of trial has yet to be seen.

The apek/towkay hantar gas hold some truths.
Anak masa kecil kita boleh ajar. Dah besar mereka kena jaga diri sendiri. Mana kita larat nak jaga depa. He said before he left.
But those accused are minors. As minors they come under the care of their parents.
I laughed heartily when my girl complained that I was severe with them.
Mata macam burung lang. Tau saja apa kami buat. She admonished.
Sesal of being a tiger mother? Yes,a bit. But having a tiger mother and a dragon father, I was not endowed with gentle loving soothing grace . I was stern in most situations. And only when I aged,I realised that it takes effort to shed all those garangness. Now... the garang mother could share story mories with the children.But my youngest daughter said mama tak garang aih... hihi.

Its a sombre Saturday all right. But lets us be sunny and bright in our heart.
Still reeling with memories of Pohim's laughters. Kalau dekat dah maktok pergi jenguk dia. Nak peluk cium dia and dengar dia nyanyi nyanyi sambil buat aktiviti. Nak naik ets tapi tokwan is still recuperating .Alahai...

Thats all folks. Sat lagi nak kena keluar bawa cikli ke KIM. Minta2 tu janganlah hujan.


Friday, September 29, 2017

a lesson delivered

I was in the midst of cooking this afternoon when the gas ran dry. Phew..the concoction of dried fish,cili and bananas should make my curry to die for..

Hmmm... tak kan nak berhenti tgh kari ataih dapuq .I said to myself and an idea struck my mind.
Dapuq letrik kan ada.
Since the rice was already cooked while I was prepping the dish, I took out the pot of rice.Transferred the half cooked banana curry into an old rice pot. Alas the pot was not the right size for the electric cooker. Transferred it yet into another pot and this time around it fix although not perfectly.

At last the curry was cooked and I proceeded to fry the already seasoned fish. Nilagilah... with the other rice pot .it seems to take ages for the fish to cook.

Alhamdulilah cikli could have his lunch this afternoon.

Searching for gas delivery in Perlis ,I met with a few numbers to call and whatsapp.
As this was Friday,the numbers I rang went un anaswered.
Luckily I hace towkay Ah Seng to the rescue.
One hour later,uncle was heaving the heavy cylinder across the yard into the house.

Jauh hooo...susah mau datang was his usual comment. I paid him and ask him to keep the change. Sikit pula rasanya. I should gave him more.

Seeing my husband ,dear uncle sat down on the chair and struck a conversation with cikli about their ailments. Uncle pun sakit mcm cikli juga. Tapi dia in control

Sepuloh biji laicee,ketuk2 bungkus dgn kain dan rebus ambil air ..was his suggestion .Kemudian minum. Cubalah . He suggested.

Mujuk kakak sihat ,he then said to whih cikli replied
Kakak pun sakit juga. HBP...

Macam dia tahu saja. Kakak jangan pikir banyak .Itu yang jadi sakit. Apa jadi sekarang , terima. Sembahyang banyak2. Doa banyak. Pikir banyak2 pun bukan selesai masaalah. In which I replied my worries are plenty. My children included.

Anak dah besar2. Biar depalah...Akak fikir banyak2 buat apa..

This afternoon I was delivered a lesson in life management by my towkay hantar gas which I cant thank enough..

Thanks uncle... a lesson delivered.