Monday, July 24, 2023

Hu ha hu ha...pedia ?

 When I was a young girl, it was a taboo to say those f words.

In fact I dont know what f stands for.

Then when I was sent for a short course in UK, then only I knew what was that forbidden word.

The walls,the roof of the bus stops were splashed with bold letterings of that word.

I saw a bus driver swearing using it too.

Newspapers I bought had them as well.

I was 36 years old then.

A few days ago,I watched a clip of the infamous show that shook KL.

Macam bertih saja depa dok sebut.

Eloklah kena ban.

Ehh..bukan Msia saja ban tau.

Ada lagi negara yg ambil tindakan sama. Taiwan if I am not mistaken.


Ntahlah too permissive pun tak elok.


  1. Tak kenal pun depa. Sokong 200% di ban serta-merta

    1. Pun juga. Tak kenal pun n tak layan juga lagu depa. Mai mana ntah,tau2 kecoh benar.
