Saturday, April 2, 2022

The sawah across the road.....

 The plot of land or sawah or padi field just across the road stood still in the morning light. Not a soul was in sight. No birds,no monkeys . Lifeless.

Rather peculiar ,doesnt it. As every morning ,a hive of activities could be seen as far as the eyes could see.

Glancing farther in the distance, the seamless sky looks bleak. Not a stray of light is seen in the horizon. 

But wait!

I could hear the birds chirping, the cock crowing and the passing vehicles zooming by.

Thank Almighty Allah I feel BLESSED. I still have my sights, my hearing and my thinking. Not all people my age enjoy this gift. Recently one of my friends on fb was called to god. A friend who was dear to me, who helped me when I was struggling to learn the computer.

Dear friend, I may seem uncaring but I do remember the good deeds people do to me. I treasure them. 

Well well.... these few days it was hot. Not actually hot as per say. But still its hot.

Kes professor UITM the latest.

Adoih.... I was a garang teacher those teaching days. No hanky panky in my class. No cincai bocai with my work. I taught intently. Always finding ways to make my lessons clear. To get my students be better students. 

Hence the garangness... hehe. 

But as far as I could remember, I was not mean to B40 students as I was from a B40 family myself. I tried to coax them to study hard for their betterment. Sometimes shedding tears when students ignore my advice. 

My favourite manta was... miskin tak semestinya terus miskin. Belajar rajin rajin, kalau kita tak jadi M40, biar anak anak kita jadi T20. 

Belajar setinggi mampu, cari ilmu, hidup tak buntu. Dtg masaalah, tak lah rasa dunggu. . 

Watching the exodus of people crossing the causeway, made me shed tears too. After two long years of separation and anxiety ..... to be united with loved ones only God knows the feeling. I felt how separation anxiety was. Even though it was just three months....

Thats all people... actually got lots to write. But ....hopes all well ends well. Stay strong you all. 

Selamat menyambut puasa. 



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