I had reservations on driving on unfamiliar road to unfamiliar territory. But yesterday ,I did it.
Although the journey wasnt that long and far, but for a driver who seldom ventured out of her territory,it was a proud achievement. Hoyo...
Dear niece in law...hehe adake gelaran gitu,recently delivered a bouncy gebu gebas baby girl at PMC. We decided not to visit at the hospital but to wait until baby and mother were discharged and safely at home.
So that sunny yesterday evening,cikson took to the wheels on that Jitra with the hundreds traffic lights road. By and by we reached Jitra.
Right or left? I was like quite certain to take the right turn when I realised that I was wrong.
Take a u turn and proceeded on.
Taman Belimbing? Where are you?
Passed by a number of tamans bearing the names of local exotic fruits. Kelubi was one of them.
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sedaaap... masak lemak cili api dgn udang. picture....googled |
Although my sil has wired us a google map of the whereabout but hmmmm..both cikli and I arent adept to map reading or had any Waze on our gadgets..Tua tua ni kadang2 nak belajar benda baru tu ,slowmo sikit.
Had to make a number of calls to the tuanrumah for directions. Mau pula telepon cikli dok beep beep bagi warning nak kojol. Aduhai..
Finally ,after braving the kampung road but heavy with soil laden lorries or whatever,we managed to reach our destination safely.
Comel betul cucu saudara cikli. Gebu macam kuih pau. Rasa nak cubit saja pipi tu...hihi.
After some time we bade goodbye.
Well.... the journey home wasnt without its story . Orang kata pukul 12 dia ambil pukul tiga.
We were at the roundabout when instead of going left ,I shot to right which brought us along the Changloon road. Jauh weiii...Dah lah tu lori treler dok rempit like they are trigger happy to reach the border.
Mujur selamat sampai.Alhamdulillah.
A stopover at a restaurant for early dinner. Malam nanti tak mau pening dah nak fikir nak makan apa.
When we reached home ninsandaq, Bu and Monkey were on the pavement to greet us.
Thats all folks... sekali sekala makcik terlebih dewasa ini berani bawa kereta...haha.
Remembered the conversation with uncle terlupa tanya nama..
Bawa slow slow na. Kita dah berusia kena lebih hati hati. Yes, its true. Kalau tak berhati hati, tak terjangkau akal apa terjadi..
Bye... have a happy Tuesday. Drive safely peeps. Jangan dok tet tet tet masa memandu walau dekat traffic lights..
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