Wednesday, November 25, 2020

How to get those pictures back....2..the noob way.

 The washing machine is on. But the automatic functions have gone kaput. Haywire. So every time its time to fill in water, it has got to be done manually.Now its on the washing mode

Meanwhile, I sauntered back to my old sewing machine where my laptop is.

Here let me record how to get back the picture.

In BLOGGER, where the draft is, click all the no entry sign. Delete. Make sure the link is gone as well.Makcik kena dengan Ali tool yg ajak kita pi beli belah...Boleh belahhhhh. 

Next, click the INSERT IMAGE . In the extension click your option. I use BLOGGER

A... go to BLOGGER open FROM the GOOGLE ALBUM archives

C..type in open the sign in blue.
DONT forget the year ! 
Should have entered 2011 picures select

F... tadaa  ... your picture is installed.

Haha... kalau anda pening utk memahami, makcikson lagi pening nak tulis instructions ini.
Teringat pula masa mengajar...
Ada masa semua pengajaran diterima all stock and barrel. Semua faham. 

Ada masa, cikgu pun garu kepala....

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

How To get them back... the blogposts pictures I mean.


Having to see your work for 3 years being butchered was depressing indeed. My three years of blogging effort . Gone to waste when the pictures turned to no entry signs.

Anybody with the same predicament as me. Care to share,please.

At first I let it be. Then  I started wondering how could that happen.

Being someone with zero, zilch knowledge in IT, at first I succumbed to giving up.Yes, give up! Let them be.Let the NO ENTRY sign made their dominance.

Then...I found out why.

Rupa rupanya gambar yang hilang tu di link ke ALI apeketah..Terlupa pula nak snap gambar .

So these are a few steps that I did to get back my pictures: The slowmo cikson's way

1. On your homepage, set up archives

Go to the years your pictures are affected.

archive posts

Add caption

2. See the pensel sign. Click open. This lead you to the draft.

cari tanda pensel. Pi kat situ. Double click.Thus brings you to draft page.

3.In draft. Delete the NO Entry signs.

draft page.

4. Open Insert Image. Find Image in your archives. 

insert image

5.Select pictures.Import the picture to draft page.

I use blogger...

6. Do your correcting. Update.

update jangan lupa. Tidak kerja semua sia sia belaka

Thats what I did to get them back. Dont know any easier way or a shortcut for that matter.

Anyway... got a few months more to work on. That is postings from July-December 2011.

Till then...Bye.

*For my reference. If anybody has got better and easier way,please share, boleh tak.TQSM in advance.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Kerja kita...

 Rupanya kerja sebagai editor, proof reader, copy writer memenatkan. Lebih lebih lagi bagi seorang aku. Menumpu penuh perhatian kepada kerja kerja membaiki blog posts yang hilang gambar gambarnya bukan kerja mudah. Memeningkan!

Realise that in every work we do if we do it wholeheartedly, its energy consuming.Mind boggling.

Lainlah kalau sesuatu kerja tu kita buat halai balai atau cincai. Asal jadi kata orang.

Potong riben ni maca am ni tau...aku memberi arahan. Dan hasil yang aku dapati tak penetapi piawaian. Lantas kerja aku sendiri bereskan.Senangkan. Nak sangat ikut spick and span.

Ramai kata kerja cikgu paling senang dalam dunia. Hanya perlu keluar kata kata sahaja. Ahh.. pi cuba try. Baru hampa rasa. Aku kata kat orang yang berkata..

Well... semua kerja ada susah senangnya. 

Ramai sunggoh mereka yang diberhentikan kerja musim covid ni. The other day, my sonny was telling me about some senior staffs that will be laid off. Aduh kesiannya . 

Losing one's job is hard. Yes, we have been there . A number of times. 

The story of RCS.... the hardships, the pain ,the joy, the achievements, the ups and downs linger in my mind. The contents for my blog post may be.

Till then. Bye.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Ehhh...ranting is on...2

 Lama tak buat kerja ketuk mengetuk keyboard secara marathon. Semalam I did it. Ha.. mau tak senget tulang belakang.

Anyway, semasa kerja mengetuk tu, I played the Quran with Translation. At least ada juga something yang menenangkan. Having ayat ayat quran read and translated to you . Allahuakbar.

Its an uphill task getting back those lost pictures . Heck of a heckle,I tell you. To me to be precise. Someone who is beyond technicality. Have got to relearn using those picture archives, Window Live Write and so forth.

Starting from 2009 when I first wrote my maiden post, I manage to rummage the pictures for my posts until May 2011 to date. Not an easy task though.

Tired, I climbed into bed past midnight. Scroll my phone for any urgent messages and then inching to fb. Sakit mata sakit kepala baca posting berkaitan KWSP. What? 1 trillion ringgits in limbo? Biar betoi!

Harap2 apa yang dibaca ttg KWSP hanyalah rekaan. Fake news. Serrrram wei kalau benar. I have 2 children being the account holders and cntributers. Cant brain what the outcome if its true.

Reading and following the happenings in our beloved homeland sometimes .....Allahu.

May Allah SWT keep us safe.