Friday, September 27, 2019

When the sun shines...

Alhamdulillah,syukur after those glooooooomy days the sun shines brightly this morning.
So... got the washing machine  going and doing her round of washing, rinsing and drying. A full load of more than 7 kilos I bet.

It puzzled me that those last few Fridays I was put in a tight spot. Beginning with the flyers from 'along' being placed on our front gate and culminating into a serious hellish of a tongue lashing bout from someone.No,no...there were many many more before that. Haha... just cant digest all those until now. Or until I die.

See...not all bad things you do ,people will see them as bad. Lantaklah....tak kuasa aku. Biaq pi kat depa.

Before the incident, I was nearly sucked out of my life by the sheer number of things that I have to handle. Preparing to have a wedding at home,with nobody except an ailing hubby was a an task. It was almost down to the last minute that we both have to be on our feet. What with the weather being at its worst.

Alhamdulillah, again I have to be grateful and syukur that the wedding turned just fine.

The last few days,I went to my old house in town. Really,it was another ujian for me. Seeing the house full of scraps again made me wanna stumbled to the ground. Last year I had already taken out nearly three lorry loads of rotting furniture and what not to be disposed.
Just imagine my dismay,when I saw my house being turned into a store once again!
Cikli had brought all his stuff AGAIN from the shops to be stored there!

This is the state of the house the other day. Rasa nak jerit jerit saja. Kenapa buat macam ni lagi.
Ni,nak kena panggil orang lagi dan bayar lagi untuk bersihkan.

Tak habis dgn tu, siling porch pula nak buat pertunjukkan circus.. alahai..

Pening tau bila semua urusan terpaksa difikirkan,diurus dan dibiayai sendiri. Rasa mau mateeeeee.

Anyway... as the sun shines bright , am not going to let these matters suck me up. I kan strong. Ewaaah.
Got to hang the clothes to dry. Goodbye.
harta maknenek

tv gedabak ni pun masih sayang ...

Thursday, September 26, 2019

DIY...ikan rebus cara Thai

Dapat resepi ini dari fb
Jadi,satu hari terbuatlah ikan rebus cara ini.

Ini cara caranya :


2 kilo ikan...temenung/selar/ sardin
Siang ,asam garamkan dan toskan.
3 camca besar garam kasar
2 helai daun pandan...simpulkan
2 keping gula melaka/thai
6 keping asam keping
10 biji cili padi...dipotong
*Air asam jawa secukupnya...

Cara caranya:
Susun ikan kedalam periuk.
Tambah air sehingga hapus ikan
Masukkan semua bahan kecuali yg bertanda* ie asam jawa
Setelah mendidih baru letak asam jawa. SIAP.

Boleh dimakan begitu saja dgn sambal belacan
Atau boleh goreng esoknya.

Cikson simpan ikan2 ini bersama kuahnya. Bila nak goreng baru keluarkan dan toskan.
Boleh juga semasa menggoreng,diletak hirisan cili merah dan bawang.
Berkali kali buat begini hingga habis...sedaaaap.
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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

As I see it....jimat cermat

Mendapat ikan tidak berapa segar ,tidak berapa fresh,kita tentu kecewa.
Banyak kali juga ,terbeli ikan yang disangka elok,namun dusta belaka
Di kedai...elok elok saja nampak ikan ikan yg dipamerkan. Maka kita dengan sukacitanya pun membelilah. Terbayang2 dimata akan digulaikan,digoreng dan di hidangkan dengan sambal belacan.
Namun aduh.... lain jadinya.
Ikan disiang terasa lembik, dicium rasa tak enak.
Maka terbantut rancangan diimpikan. Buat gulai tentu tak enak. Buat goreng begitu saja pun tentu tak enak dimakan.
Makan ke haiwan sajalah sedekahnya ikan....
Dan anda pun bersumpah tidak akan pergi lagi ke gerai ikan itu lagi...

Namun ada masa,ikan dibeli mmg fresh
Namun atas fakta tak dapat dielakkan,ikan2 itu jadi kurang freshlah pula.
Bukan kedai yg salah tapi diri sendiri yang alpa.
Maka apa boleh dibuat dgn ikan2 itu ya...

Well...I found one way to make old fish palatable.
Buat saja ikan rebus.
Makan dengan sambal belacan...terangkat juga.
Di goreng pun sedap rasanya
Cikli makan dengan tidak banyak songehnya.
Namun...ikan rebus ni bukan ikan rebus sembarangan ya.
Ikan rebus ni ialah....ikan rebus cara Thai....namanya.

Nah...seperiuk makcikson tanak
ikan rebus cara thai....

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Resepinya....haaa nanti esok ya.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Keeping up

Sometimes...sometimes la,people dont think twice when giving remarks.
Or making a laughing stock of others.
I hate that Aida who made dramas out of other people handicaps. Lihat tajuk drama2 dia pun dah tau orang macam mana dia ni.Who knows one day, out of the blue,Tuhan nak tunjuk ,dia pula jadi handicap. Baru sedar diri.

On many occasions met with people who were too quick to criticize others. It could be the colour of your dress, the sengetness of your tudung, or any other things that they could find to make other people seem small. Or the way you do things while bragging they could do better,smarter,faster bla bla bla.

Or people who jumped too quick at conclusion. Tak sabar. Or who likes to pick fight with others even for the smallest of reason. Bab anak anak pun boleh bergaduh besar antara keluarga. When we are mothers, surelah kan we love our children . But dont be too extreme. Sanggup gadai harta dan nyawa buat anak yg tak tahu berdikari. Kalau salah kenalah tegur. And dont manjakan one above others. Dont be sway by sweet talks....sweet face.

Thats all folks......hehe.