Monday, January 8, 2018

Life's hard... freezing cold up there

Never been there. But know quite a bit about her geographically. All because of the subject learnt during our schooling years. You know,when I was taking Senior Cambridge we got to learn about that continent . America lah apa lagi.

These few days whenever I surfed the news, news about her harsh winter never fail to make the news.
Freezing cold it was and still is in some parts. Footages of things turning to ice was enough to give the chills.
Rivers frozen, waterfalls stood still, cars covered in thick now...
Life must be hard . Even so for those poor folks and the homeless.
This morning I read about the worst that could happen .

inside a bus when the door was left opened.

snow everywhere

disini banjir kereta tenggelam
disana tenggelam dalam timbunan salji

I read the sinister remarks that some netizen made. Entahlah... everybody is entitled to their own views.
Tak payah dok doa sangat depa tu. Biaq pi...some one quipped.
Entahlah sekali lagi.Tak tahu kah mereka disana pun banyak umat kita, anak cucu dan rakan2 kita.
Dan lagi bukan semua setuju dengan apa yang TRump buat pun.

Air water fountain yg berdiri beku.

Stay safe ,people
Now.. i remembered one person who came few years back. Apa la jadi pada dia .Entahlah...

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Life as it is... hard life

Its been an uphill task shaking loose all those ugly thoughts,she said .
If I could have it, I just want a clean sheet.
Not the one painted in black all over the canvas.

She poured all her heart out.
And I was stupefied at her stupendiuos pouring .
Never visualise that teaching fraternity could harbour such eposides in the life of a teacher.
Yes, it was a hard life for her.
Yet she stood all odds flung at her.

Maybe she was different from the rest.
She was sometimes leeways from the norm.
I noticed that too.
If given a task,she would do with all her mights even though it might repel others. But for me, it was okayed as long as the result was good. Guiding and mentoring her was what I did. I highlighted the best in her. Her willingness to bring results ,to assist others were her charismatic values.Even though sometimes I might disagree,we were never at loggerhead.

When people ask about her, I have nothing to say but the good things. Yes, she was good to me. How could I deny it. She was one of my best teacher.
She was promoted when I left school. How could I bring down her marks when she was with me,she did nothing wrong in my eyes.

Hard life too yet for another teacher of mine. She was my teacher back in those old days . Hardworking, immaculate in her work. Then I met her after so long. I saw the gloom in her eyes
Arent you happy in your new school.
She burst.
Teacher, if I have known,I would not accept the post. I have a hard time .

Hard life too for a friend of mine. It was an open secret that her hubby was too controlling. Going to courses too was hard for her . Husband tak bagi... was her explanation for her absence .
Then I heard,she quitted her job. The end.

Why was I writing this post you may ask. Well to many of my children,biological or not, life isnt always a bunch of roses. Roses too come with their thorn and they are prickly . We might fret, we might frown,but dont give up. Theres alwas an end to everything. But let it ends nicely.

Son, how could you survive ? How could you still be smiling when you were openly attacked?
Tell us your secret. Your schools always have good results and emerge winner.

They ask me...
I smiled. Its sabarrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I said.
Tuhan kan ada.

Thats all folks.Bye.
Have a happy weekend.Do what makes you happy.

Bring out the best in others was my motto.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Se petang di RBL.

Walau tiada tamu yang berkunjung datang
Walau bukan masanya anak anak pulang
Namun RBL tetap dengan kegiatan kegiatan mereka yang adakala kita boleh jatuh sayang.
Melihat gelagat mereka yang riang
Pokok kelapa jadi tempat mereka jadi sutntman
Ranting kemboja tempat mereka bergayutan
Bawah daun jambu yang rendang kadangkala mereka baring melepas kepenatan

Harmoni jelas ada
Si ayam cuba menjamu selera
Bersama ninsandaq dan anak anaknya

Sekali sekala jiran sebelah pun bertandang sama
Ada kelabu,hitam pekat yg tak nampak apa kecuali mata
Atau si tampung yang manja.
ada kenduri di sini

ramai ahli keluarga si bapa ayam datang walau tanpa diundang
amboi... kot nak ajak kami sama kata si ayam
betullah... makan tak ingat orang ,kata sitampung yg berjiran.

Tak apalah mak ayam oooi
Walau lebihan itu pun dah rezeki

Tengok tu... dah puas makan kenduri
Semua kroooooh krooooh di petang hari

Bawah poko jambu air yang tak berbuah lagi...

Thats all folks. Have a pleasant weekend

Life as it is...

Just mundane . Nothing spectacular.
When one is resigned to fate. Thats my take of life as it is.

Hati bagai dicuit cuit ingin menelusuri jalan jalan yang pernah dilalui. Yang simple simple bukan yg memeningkan,menyakitkan sudah pasti.

Yearning those carefree days..actually not really carefree, when we are able to go travelling as one family.Going on those escapades to the hills and waterfalls and not forfetting picnicking by the river.
Jumping on the train to meet family members in the city. Or boarding a flight to the east coast to savour the delights .
Those days when I climbed the stairs of stages to receive accolades for service rendered and achievements of schools I was in.
Those days when we dragged our bags to courses near and far. Meeting and making friends.

hah... those days are hard to come by now.

NOW.... as it is...

Going to clinics and hospitals for never ending hubby's doctors' appoinments. One day,it was the KIM,another day to bumbung biru,HTF ,HSB or HLAS.
Then lunch would be outside even when sometimes you are sick of outside food. You already know where the food is agreeable to your pallete.
Passing by the food stores ,you could already tell what kind of food would be served there.
Sini masin nya ya amat.
Sini tawaq hebiaq
Sini tunggu sejam baru boleh minum
Sini pula.. mahainya ya ampun..

And when you are settled for your choice of eatery, you just know right away what to scoop onto your plate. And you could roughly tell how much you would be charged.

It was evening when you could cook for dinner as buying food again is a no no. Last night I made steam siakap and siakap tiga rasa. For 8 ringgit a fish . Murah dan menjimatkan.
Another day was kotiau goreng cikson style .And yet another day, cucuq jagung.

Itulah kehidupan...depan depan lagi tak taulah nak ramalkan.
Mohon mohon tu biarlah aman aman. Tak larat wei nak dengar sana sini berdentum dentam.
Last night,I was lazily lying on the couch watching the news . From the first channel,the news was agreeable. Tak sakit telinga dengar walau kadang terkeluar comment tak setuju.
Then cikli changed channel.
Cepat cepat aku angkat kaki. Termeloya dengar berita jam 8 malam kalau channel tu.
Dah tahu akan sakit hati dengar berita macam tu ,awat dok tebiang buka tak tau.. aku merungut.
Lepas tu sakit hati.

Thats all folks..
Coretan kami pagi pagi
Satgi nak kena jadi dreber suami...
Apa apa pun kerja rumah kena beresi.
Itulah hidup yang terpaksa dilalui..
Hari hari.
Selagi tak mati!