Thursday, December 2, 2021

oh me...oh my

 Been weeks I sat at the table facing the window with the sawah view. Dont know why suddenly the malas in me took over. Malas nak tulis, malas nak fikir........

The last posting was some 14 days ago . Oh me oh my!

The sawah looks luscious green. Reminding me of my late mum pulut serimuka which is my delight. The taste, the smell .... mouth watering.

Nothing much happening at the home front. Nobody came home leaving me with cikli and cik monky . Cikli has his routine with his dialysis class as he calls it. 

Been following the world news lately. Risau wehhhh. 

All over Lthe channels, OMICRON,omicron,omicron...

CNN<BBC<CGTC ... u name it. They have it. Scary la.

All the children came back last month, when the border opened and interstate travel was allowed. Terasa benar tau..bila keadaan tidak membenarkan sesuka hati ke sana ke sini, sedikit kebebasan itu besar sangat ertinya. 

'Jom kita pi mana mana. ' Maka plan dibuat anak anak nak bersama sama selagi peluang dibuka.

'Mana tahu kan,entah esok depa tutup balik" Said one.

Benar ya... kebebasan yg diberi rasa sebentar sangat. Maka berbondong bondong orang berholiday sana sini. Stadium penuh ,orang berkenduri. 

Dan semalam, tonton KJ buat pengumuman, betul ramalan yg dibuat. Walau border dan restriction tidak dibuat , peringatan diberi KJ pun dah cukup merisaukan.

Warga emas, mereka yg berkomobid dinasihat tidak ke sana sini lebih2 lagi ditempat awam.

Oh me ...oh my. 

Are we going back to the square one.



  1. Saya risau juga dengan omicron ni, sebab katanya kebal tak lut vaksin.. :(

    1. Semoga kita berada dalam keadaan selamat. Takut memikirkan. Semalam,KJ punya taklimat pun merisaukan. Tu pun masih ada yg dok buat lawak.
