Sunday, July 21, 2019


Sometimes the mind is cloudier than the cloudy sky.
Sometimes the brain is more stupid than the stupid mule

Hahha...not implying to anybody on earth,exactly,
Its no worry.

Having a bout of sleepless night is no joke
It seems floodgates of worries, sad episodes like to make an entry when the body needs to switch off.The consequences of which, in the day, the body lacks soul,energy and motivation. It comes and goes. On and off.
Gulping cups of the normal milo seems of no help anymore. Its my working antidote for my insomniac nights. But now...its not working.

Jom pi Langkawi... tidoq semalam dua kat Cenang. Tengok laut. I put forward the idea to cikli.
Then something snapped.
Oooi makcikson,banyak det no nak pi jalan. At this time of all.
Jerked out of my fantasy, into reality I started to add up the budget.Pi Langkawi saja utk dua mau burn seribu.
Haha... boleh dilupakan saja idea tu cikson oooi.
Berlambak duit nak kena guna. Jangan nak bergaya jadi papa kedana. Meminta sini sana....tak mau tak mau .
Kalau tt or tokton my mak masih ada, tentu ingatan ini yang dia bagi padanya.
Buat sederhana sudahlah.
Jangan hutang sini sana.
Nanti tak dapat bayaq ,jadi musuh kalau tak kena gaya.
Thats what she always said to me.

Thats all folks. My rant for today.
Hope I stand strong , healthy and cheerful for that big day.
Its just 40 days away.

Bye. Enjoy your weekend guys.

1 comment:

  1. Moga semua urusan berjalan lancar dan dipermudahkan. Aamiin. Jaga kesihatan juga nooo ...
