Sunday, September 10, 2017

Life's like that 2....jangan ribut ribut

After settling a few chores on the home front,I steered cikli to the clinic for his daily meet with the nurse do. Let cikli at the entrance of the clinic and proceeded to Agro as I have a few things to buy.

Browsing the ice box for cucur badak..hmm there were none. Checked for the usual karipap.. none again.
Looking up,I saw a long time acquaintace.
Serene saja rupa dia.
Hai..lama tak jumpa. Dok lawa macam tu juga depa..was my icebreaker.

Kak buat apa la ni?
Maka mulalah aku memperincikan apa tugas harian ku.
Besar pahala tu kak. Terpilih untuk jaga suami.
Sejuk hati dengar....

Tak boleh lama2 di situ. After paying for the groceries,proceeded back to KIM. Cikli has finished dressing.

Jom makan..he said.

So without further ado ,to RJ we went. Still early. But brunch we have.
The usual favourite food of pajeri ekor wasnt ready so we settled for gulai ikan temenung borek.
For two it was only 12 Malaysian ringgit.
Mau Anjung tak dapat aih... cikli said.

After brunch cikli requested pasar tani. Adoih..kepala dah pening ni. Takut pula terhoyong hayang nanti. So tak jadi.

At 4 perut meragam lagi.. nak isi
So what to do...goreng karipap. Ok sedaaap.

And by 6 a belanga of kotiau goreng apa saja daa was on the dining table.

It was raining dogs and cats come maghrib. Ninasandaq was no where to be seen. Dia merajuk kerana kena marah . Monyok saja muka bila cikli jentik telinga dia. Tu la...buat lagi perangai tak senonoh.

This morning when cikson opened the front door,there she was... Slambadog saja masuk rumah. Macam tak apa2.

Thats all folks. The daily life of a makcik and pakcik dengan kucing mereka. Yang lain tak ada...
Bye... have a beautiful Sunday.
Ikan pun dah naik harga... RM 10 sekilo dari RM 5 dulu
Ribut kat laut 

se belum ribut...
Taufan Harvey dan Irma
kesian mereka yang kena
Yang kaya..cepat bina semula
Yang tak ada ...merana sepanjang masa.

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