Monday, June 13, 2022

What's up bro.....sis

 Hari diluar masih kelabu.

Tanda matahari masih beradu.

Namun, kereta ,motor dah banyak menderu. Laju. 

Tergesa gesa makhluk dalamnya ke tempat kerja macam selalu.

 And today 13 June juga hari baru buat menantu....start kerja baru. 

Semoga sukses selalu.

Cucu cucu berdua pun mesti terkesan dengan rutin yang menunggu. Semoga mereka ok dan aman menghadapi era baru.

The other day when they were here, I got a few lessons from adik.

We were enjoying out afternoon with oranges when the little one came out with an idea.

Tok, boyeh buat air dengan buah oyen. Shedapp. Mula mula tok kupas, lepas tu tok ambik cawan.....n so on....

Last sekayi tok letak dlm peti aisshh. 

Terangnya antara pelat dan terus. Anyway,he has made tremendous progress in his bahasa. Only a few words un deciphered.

This Friday,ciklicikson would be off to KL on the ets. Talking about ets, the first priority is buying tickets.

Haha... nilah problemnya. Cikson dah register tetapi tak begitu dengan cikli.

The last time I bought tickets, cikli was charged the full fare. No matter his status as a warga emas or not.

So buying online was an option. 

Jomlah kita pi Arau beli tiket. Dapat  half price. He said.

So off to Arau we went the other day.

Kaunter kosong. Ada notis ' Hanya utk ETS saja'

Fine. We waited and finally an officer came to our help.

Cik, kena beli kat mesin tu. He said pointing to the vending machines nearby.

Dahhh... dengan orang ramai, dengan kelabu mata, anxiety attack... mau teraba raba berurusan kat mesin tu. Actually dah pernah beli tiket komuter ke SP. Tau lah sikit sikit. 

At last, an officer helped us to the machine and two tickets were secured at half price. Alhamdulillah.

Tentu orang KL gelak kat kami disini kerana baru jumpa mesin beli tiket.

Actually masih ramai yang perlu pertolongan station master kat sini.....Until one day when we are ready.

Bila lihat youngsters pun terkial kial nak beli tiket, ok jugalah kami yg terlebih umur teraba raba nak berurusan. Nothing to be ashamed of la kan. 

Buat apa nak pi KL tu cikson. 

Cuba teka... nah ni cluenya.

Rasa mcm nak pi kerja la pulak

Been such a long time I spent and splurged on myself..... 


  1. Sejak istri saya 'tiada' saya dah malas nak kemana mana. Suka memerap sahaja di rumah sambil dengar lagu dari cd atau kaset...

    1. Sejak kebelakangan kami pun sama,tak boleh bebas ke mana mana. Terpaksalah memerap kat rumah juga.
