Sunday, June 12, 2022

Budak oyang putih ni.....

 Dah 4 tahun tapi pertuturan dia masih pelat. Jenuh perembang apa dia kata. Last last kena cari jurubahasa. Sapa lagi abangnya lah Fahim kesayangan semua.

@#$%&&*(.....dia berkata.

Fahim,tok tak fahamlah. Tolong translate sat.

Then the little boy started speaking in English. Ehh..fasih pulak dia. Tak ada pelat melat pun.

Reading to his bro

Tuition kat adik ni

Adik n his fav series

So the next time when we were at a lost ,trying to comprehend his speech, we said to him.

' Adik speak English la'

Itulah cucu kedua cikson. Active,creative , imaginative tapi masih pelat pelat yang manja.

Sometimes I love to hear his baby talk. Faham ke tidak lain bicara.

I was wondering why this phenomenon is happening among many of my cucus... sendiri or otherwise.

Their parents , dont really speak fully in English but their children are. And with a British slang.

I was among the guests at a wedding. Many children were playing among themselves.

Speaking English!

I was wondering how they became so despite their parents speaking their mother tongue.

La,makngah depa tengok video. Peppa Pig, Ryan , and a number of unknown series to me.

No wonder la....

This took me to the time I was raising my kids. They too have favourite series on movies and cartoons.As well as comics and novels. 

And people did ask me how is my English better off than most of my colleagues.

At that time in question,I was devoid of tv, social media, gadgets etc.

It was reading books. Yes, I was into books during my growing years. If the catalogue of the school library and borrowers record be the rujukan, I would be the winner. My name would be on most of the cards. SBS library  1963-1969

Now Fahim is into books too. At 6 ,he is an avid reader. As an incentive, his reward would be the bokshops and libraries. I would buy him books thru the internet sometimes.

As a result of his reading I noticed that Fahim is more interested to talk about current affairs like the on going war in Ukraine. Types of minerals ,dianasours and so on.

Reading to his ayah on the way home to kl.
Ayah kena buat revision utk kerja 

Ehh macam tok la. Suka general knowledge. Masa sekolah dulu kalau ada quiz, cikson naik pentas jadi peserta. Menang weii!

Kalau English as a language pula, cikson selalu cepat angkat tangan kalau cikgu tanya soalan. Kawan2 jadi menyampah sebab kena puji selalu. 

Depa kata apa tau...

'You ni pi la kawan dengan Chatar Singh. Suka menunjuk pandai'. Hahaha..Chattar Singh ni mmg English dia superb. Tapi satu hari tu dia kalah dgn cikson dalam punctuation. Masa tu Mr Peter ajar English Form berapa tak ingat. Cikson boleh punctuate paragraphs correctly much to the amazement of my fellow classmates.

Tu la kenangan cikson masa sekolah menengah. Budak serabai tapi English pandai... hai hai.

But now, my English pun dah kelaut....

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