Tuesday, June 21, 2022

To there and back.....


Salam semua.

Dah beberapa hari tak bersiaran , sbbnya kerana berada di luar kawasan. Sibuk berurusan dan ilham pun tak kunjung datang.

Sekarang ni, dah selamat sampai dari perantauan. Bolehlah click cluck laptop buat catatan......

Oh well... where do I begin. To tell the story of my journey .

Let's start with buying ETS tickets.

The tickets

I had ideas to go on the Business Class but with cikli not registered as yet on the online platform, no discount would be given. He would be charged the full amount..RM 177 per trip. Even as pensioner the discount was only a mere 20% off.

RM 300 for two to KL would be too much kan.....

So to KTMB Arau we went to purchase the tickets. For RM 110 we procured the tickets for that Friday journey.

The journey

The journey on the Platinum train was smooth and uneventful. By 4 we were on our way to the station that day. And by 503 we were all on the ETS...south bound. 

By and by we reached KL Central by 10.15. 

Ciklin was there to whisk us off to Cyberjaya.... our lodge for the whole stay. Thanks cikna.

The wedding

Yes, Tujuan utama kami ke KL adalah memenuhi jemputan kahwin anak menakan cikson. Anak adik .By 10 we headed towards Bandar Baru Bangi with ciklin at the wheels. Berdesup . By 11 we  safely arrived at the wedding venue. Apa ke nama entah building tu. Ostia something. Lupa pulak.

Boleh kata semua adik kakak tuan rumah hadir . Walau yang sedang sakit sakit. So happy to see the tuan rumah happy .

Food a plenty, hospitality too ,venue cosy . Tahniah adik..Dr Habibah and children for the wonderful time we were there.

The walk by the lake

Next day was spent nursing the aching body and feet. Ehh wait.. we went to Tasik Putrajaya la..Had an early dinner at a restaurant there and returned before maghrib.

At the basement carpark bumped into a couple with a wailing baby. Kecik sangat baby tu dok bawa jln dkt maghrib ni. Entah kenapa my hair stood on ends .....

The journey home

With cikli having to have his dialysis , we have to head back to Perlis. Mujuq ciklin tgh cuti. By 9 we were already on the highway heading North...bye Cyber.

Eeeee... jumpa jam walau bukan cuti sekolah and it was a weekday. Ngeri tgk mangsa di tutup ditepi jln somewhere in Perak. 

Had a stop at number of RnR.

At Bukit Gantang, rambutan and manggis nampak menyelerakan. Ehh... betul ke kiraan harga yg dichargekan. Mcm tak kena saja. Lain kali kalau membeli kat situ kena perhatikan kiraan . Jgn balik baru garu kepala...

By 5  we arrived safely at RBL...home sweet home. Tapi macam ada kekosongan. Bila anak anak semua kat ibukota. Cikson pula tiada siapa siapa kat sini. Terasa sunyi. 

'Cikli, kita pindah pi KL na?' 


  1. lepas musim durian, musim rambutan pula. tapi saya dah tak boleh makan itu semua...

    1. Sayang na kalau kesihatan menghalang dari mkn buah2 tempatan. Dok teringin durian tapi cikli kena pantang. Maka seisi rumah pun kena pantang.
