Friday, November 8, 2019

Kadang2 tersasar ke bulan.

I was  intrigued by the number of missing persons lately. And still is.
On recent news,the disappearance of one UMP student.
Been missing for the last few days and a police report was made.

Acap's disappearance was still shrouded in mystery.
Large scale search was called for and the whole nation paid interest on the news.
And after that a bout of missing person news appeared one after another.

Banyak betul.
Bukan sorang dua.
Dan yg banyak Melayu. Right,you get me right. Melayu.

The fate of a missing lady of a few years was still unknown.
This made me ponder.Why?
Remaja bolehlah kata lari ikut mata ayaq.
Yang tua bangka...pun ada.

Maybe lah...
Tak kuat imam kot?
But even ustazah went missing.
But to me, its because they dont have avenue to pour out their hearts contents.

Hopefully. I am not one of the characters as I have my blogs to fall to. Hanya adakala tersalah blog pula. Nak tulis dalam private blog pi  tulis dalam public one.
Huish.... blog tu bisikan syaitan laaa. Baru tau!


  1. we really need someone to share our problems, our feelings. Say it out don't keep it inside

    1. Betul sangat. Tapi nak dapat orang yg boleh kita share masaalah kita tu yg susah. Yg selalu jumpa ,penyampai ,pemberita,penambah cerita.
