Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The fright

Its still dark outside but cars were vroooooming past by. The main road a few metres away from where mommason was ,was already a beehive of activities. Each with his own.Agenda I mean.

Somewhere, a cock crows so loud that it gave a fright to those who heard it.
Weeeyy...apapasai ayam jantan tu kokok macam tu. Dia nampak mak lampirkah? Ada ulaq belinkaq ataih pagaq kot? Came my cheeky reply when cikli asked why.

Ninasandaq and her brood were no longer let a free roam in the house. Now they are banished to the cage in the porch of RBL. Tu la berak lagi rata rata. The kittens are now bigger so its timely for them to stay outside. So one day,cikson cleared the CAGE and put mother and all in it.

Mamason could sense that ninasandaq was unhappy with the move. She looked crestfallen. Amboi...sampai hati momma kurung kami no. Mungkin itu kata dia.

Samapi hati tak bagi kami masuk rumah... 
kat luar tak seronok laaaaa.Kami takut bapak ayam tu nala besaaq.
Kuat pulak tu sora dia.

The flood in Penang and some parts of Kedah and Perak might be over but it did give us a fright too. Many places were places of frequently visited with mak penakan,pak menakan, sisters and brothers.
Looking at the pictures which surfaced, I could feel the torment that the victims had. The anquish that they went through as the flood of 2014 was still fresh in my mind.

parts of Penang... 
Reading news at home and abroad do give goosebumps too. Still yet another pointless massacre in Uncle's Tom land. This time still by another white. Kalau M yang buat tak taulah apa Trump kata kali ni. I managed to see CNN with Trump saying that many of them Americanas are mentally unstable. Thats the reason for the carnage.Whew.

Di Saudi Arabia pula ramai noooo kena tahan. Even yang billionaire pun kena angkut. Satu perkembangan yang menarik. Katanya berkaitan rasuah. Interesting sbb dah ada suara suara kata
perkembangan disana mungkin tertempias kat sini. Lihat nanti apa yg terjadi.

Ni la bapak ayam yang kuat bertempik tu. Apakehalnya pun tak tau lah.
Kapala bapak kau lah ayam...kata ninsandaq marah marah
Buat tekejut oghang tau..

Thats all folks my rambling pagi Selasa ni. Selamat menduduki SPM buat anak anak yang mengambil SPM. Jawab dengan tenang.Semoga keputusan nanti banyak cemerlang.

Got to stop and start with the household chores. This afternoon kena bawa cikli pi spital..again.
Bye. have a fruitful day today. Love from utara.

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