Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hey,what’s in the news.


Among the many news item in NST today,this piece of item caught my attention.

Kitchen destroyed in sibling squabbles

Pasir Puteh : A family squabble led a man to demolish parts of his sister’s house at Selising here causing loss at RM 100,000.00

When the bulldozer Bulldozed the house,the sister’s children were still sleeping in the bedroom.

What more can you say of love between the sister and her brother.

And in another front page headline:

Young and  Dangerous


Experts find broken families and poverty are turning more kids into criminals.

Being in the education field for nearly more than half my life,there were bagfuls of incidents that I encountered .When parents were separated,its normal to see the children being transformed into unhappy and problem kids.And if they are unable to come to term with the situation they would rather resort to unacceptable behaviours as a form of retaliation.

Once I noticed a remarkable decline in the performances of two brother and sister.I got to know that the parents were divorced and they were against their mother marrying as a second wife.

Another resort to gum sniffing to despite the parents.And do not be surprised that children as young as seven were involved in housebreaking.The bookshop of the school was broken into by a trio of young rascals who learned the trade of breaking latches.And they came from the neighbouring law enforcement quarters!

As for the first brother and sister team,they finally turned up well in their lives,the girl being a famous tv personality but the housebreaking trio progressed into worse stage.Heard that they were sent to some Reform School.

It was poverty and added with broken home that made a student to skip classes and be involved in those activities that 12 years old should have not known about them.

Well,the records by the guru disiplin and guru kaunseling stand by what I say.Some of  which would make the DPM see stars in bright broad daylight.


Pakmok: Susah juga jadi manusia ya. Kahwin dua isteri merajuk.Kahwin tiga,anak buat hal.Kahwin empat takut bila tua mati tak bertempat.  Isshhh.Issh.

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