Thursday, October 14, 2021

So right,yes.

To my cucu.....tok loves you too. 


 When I was a college student , I had the pleasure to learn Music. Under the tutelage of Madam Ho we students learned the tauge, the rhythm , two musical instruments and wonderful songs.

One song in particular is playing in my mind. Bonnie. Yes, Bonnie. My Bonnie

Ehh baru perasan yg lagu ni lagu Beatles rupanya.

My Bonnie

My Bonnie lies over the ocean
My Bonnie lies over the sea
Well, my Bonnie lies over the ocean
Yeah, bring back my Bonnie to me
Yeah, bring back, ah, bring back
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me, to me
Ah, bring, oh, bring back, ah, bring back
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me
Well, my Bonnie lies over the ocean
My Bonnie lies over the sea
Yeah, my Bonnie lies over the ocean
Oh, I said bring back my Bonnie to me
Yeah, bring back, ah, bring back
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me, to me
Oh, bring back, ah, bring back
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Tony Sheridan
My Bonnie lyrics © Tonika Musikverlag

Today my bonnie in KL is coming back after a long absence. Please ETS bring back my bonnie to me.
Came across many videos of long lost children coming back to their loved ones as soon as inter state travel is lifted. 
Bye. Till then.
Oh well... the song above is not like the one we learned. It was so much like a lullaby. Soft and swaying...hehe. Most probably like this one below..

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Kentalnya dia....

 Watching her I was mesmerised. In facts all the girls in my brood are into her. We watched her videos. All from the continent of Africa where she is at present.

She's a Kedahan! Just like me. Born and raised in Kedah by Kedahan parents. 

And as Kedahan we were raised to be tough. Tak lembik bokbek. Hantaq pi ceruk mana pun boleh survive. Masuk hutan, masuk pekan, masuk pulau... ehh mana sajalah. Kami tak mengeluh nak balik kampung nak duduk bawah ketiak mak.  Haha....

Many of my relatives were pioneers in Felda setlements all over Msia. Ramai yang jadi peneroka kat Pahang to these days. Merantau.

Me too... for my first posting, I tak merengek kena hantar pi hutan Hulu Selangor. Anak anak cikson pun diberi kebebasan utk ke mana mana. Tak ada dok menangis meraung bila kena posting jauh dari negeri asal. Pi lah mana pun asal ada tujuan yang benar. 

Hehe...panjang benar cikson bermukadimah. Sampai tenggelam character yang nak diceritakan.

Have you seen videos or vblog of the Camara couple? 

Alaaa... cerita tentang orang Kedah berkahwin dengan orang Guinea tu? Fila Amir  berasal dari Tunjang Kedah dah berkahwin dgn Adama dari  Afrika nun. 

There's something positive to be learned from the couple. They are young but what they projected was envied by many. So selfless. So kental. To be uprooted from your homeland is one tough work. Then to have to live among foreigners is another. But to be able to do something for the unfortunate people is a wonder. Dah semacam duta kecil Fila sekarang. Building wells for the unfortunates are their missions. 

Tengok video Fila masuk ke pendalaman Afrika dengan jalan yang bumpy , tabik hormat kat dia. Badan kecil, hati besar. Semangat sunggoh. Kalau cikson pun rasa tak sanggup. 

Maka teringat cikson akan satu bahan bacaan... jangan muntah ya.

Nak cari bini yang kental cari orang Kedah....hah hah hah. 

Ni salah satu video tu....tengoklah...see for yourself.

Bye . Thats all folks. Spread goodwill... not evil.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Yaren ? Gronigen?

 Yesterday,I happened to take  notice of my Visitors . There appeared for the first time ' Yaren'. I was curious enough to know the whereabout of the place. So to google I surely went.

Ohh Nauru .

But wherever is Nauru by the way.

Then a somewhat a text that I taught my student surfaced. Didnt we read about Nauru in year 4? Or was it in year 5 or 6. Lupalah pulak.

Sekali sekala muncul nama nama pelik kat Live Traffic Feed blog Thru Ups n Downs ni buat penulisnya teruja. Ada no orang mai jengok kat sini.

Satu masa dari Sweden ramai betul. Tertanya tanya cikson apa depa cari. Di sini tak ada unsur unsur p** n pun. 

Oh wait!

Nun di kejauhan nampak seekor burung sedang terbang. Se ekor sahaja tanpa teman.

Dari manalah agaknya dia. Nak kemana?

Sempadan negeri dah dibuka. Balik kampungkah dia?

Juga semalam terlihat seekor burung kuning yang sangat cantik. Cuba nak ambil gambar tapi  dah terbang bila kamera dah sedia.

Mungkin dia datang dari Yaren...nak jumpa penulis blog ..haha

Sometimes when you are alone ,its not impossible for you to appreciate simple things.Like those kind visitors who came and left comments.Or a bird that pecked at your papaya on the tree.

Bye. Got to start cooking.

sebelah pagar kebun arwah mertua. Macam2 pokok ada

ni bukan rumah tinggal. 

bila lah nak berbuah lagi pokok pelam ni
Burung kuning tu selalu dtg bertenggek.

By the way, a new place appeared on my traffic view.....Gronigen.