Thursday, April 9, 2020

Hidup yang terkesan...

Semenjak awal meletusnya wabak covid ini di Wuhan ,China, hidup rasa terkesan dengannya.
Setiap hari,pagi dimulakan dengan membaca berita tentangnya.
Makcik yang tak bertwitter, terheret sama utk membaca twitter tentang wabak itu.
Dan dua insan makcik ikuti
YB Yeats dan Jennifer Zeng.
Dari laman twitter mereka gambaran menakutkan tentang apa yang terjadi di bumi commie itu meresap jiwa.
Ya Allah hindarkanlah kami ,bumi kami dari malapetaka ini,aku bermunajat pada Ilahi.
Dan bila melihat sifat acuh tak acuh pemimpin masa itu tentang bahaya covid jahanam ini mmg membuak sakit hati.
Kita tak boleh sekat mereka masuk ke sini. Nak letak mereka di mana ? Kandang Lembu?... itulah respon seorang pemimpin masa itu.
Kita ada kepakaran. Benda ni kecik saja. Jangan takut! Kata yang lain.
Maka pintu sempadan kita pun luas terbentang utk mereka datang ke sini bersukaria.
Sekarang kita pula kena jadahnya!

Hari ini dah hari keduapuluhsatu Kan?
Eh..hilang pula ingatan.

MCO,eMCO,RMO antara akronim yang kita diperkenalkan.
Stay at home, social distancing antara saranan.
Adatlah...manusia dengan ragamnya.
Ada yang mengambil berat, cuak tetapi ada yang ingat semua ini halusinasi...
Bila kena sekatan perjalanan ada yang mematuhi, tetapi ada yang tak ambil peduli.
Nasihat ditolak ketepi.
Dengan ranggi masih kunjung mengunjungi.
Bila kena covid ni, bukan dia seorang yang kena tetapi terheret beberapa generasi.

Perlis sekarang sudah 17 dijangkiti, 2 mati
Punca katanya dari kluster Masjid Sri Petaling. Tabligh la apa lagi kata depa.
patient ke 13,4,15,16,17.... dari lawatan ke KL lawat anak balik luar negara...haaa dah berubah punca.

Setiap jam 5 mmg dinanti nanti.
Muncul wajah insan yang kami sayangi dan hormati.
Datuk Dr. Noor Hisham dengan status covid terkini
Berdebar debar rasa hati.... apalah pula satus hari ini.

Thats all folks.
Sama sama kita berdoa agar segala pancaroba yang sedang kita lalui menemui jalan penyelesaian.
Tapi rasanya... perjuangan masih panjang
Tengok America punya status lagi menakutkan
Beribu yang dah menjadi korban.

Keep safe people.
Stay home!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

the thoughts appreciated

Hari ke dua puluh MCO.
How are you doing my beloved regular readers ?
Though we might not know each other but I do appreciate my readers who spent some of their moments to browse my page.

The stats in my blogger shows  that some are from locals  and some from far away lands.During this lockdown period,my DIY pages seem to have the most hits.
How to repair your pipe without calling the plumber is an example.

A few days into the MCO ,through mail I received a cook book by the famous blogger Azie. I have been having thoughts of buying this cook book for sometime. And out of the blue, my beloved daughter's friend sent me one. Seronoknya. Siap tandatangan Pn Azie lagi. Thank you very much anakanda Azlin. Makcik really love the book . Thanks for your thoughts.

Siap ada nama makcikson lagi....

buku yang diminati... thanks Azlin

I was saying to myself to sew facial masks for my family members as the factory produced ones are hard to get. Searching high and low ,I still couldnt locate my sewing kit.
Isssh..kalau ada kotak jahit tu boleh la mama jahit .
Risau sangat anak2 di KL yang masih tiada mask bila keluar rumah.
Lo and behold, one day the courier delivered me a parcel.
Laaa.. sewing kit!
Rupanya my lovely daughter sent me one through shopee. The next day a mini sewing machine was delived to RBL. Terkejut makcik. Thanks so much Aten for your thoughts.

hand made cloth face mask..
Jadilah kan dari tak ada.
WHO pun dah decree pakailah apa saja penutup hidung dan mulut ya

Haha ... do you know I never try buying things on line before.
But during this MCO ,I tried one.
Hearing my children in KL without rice cooker, I decided to buy one for them. The girl had bought one from the supermarket but it was faulty. And to go back and change during this lockdown is dangerous. But it took one week for the parcel to arrive. From Subang Jaya to Taman OUG!
And their sister in Batu too sent them a cooking utensil.Thoughtful of her.

For the masks, a niece of cikli did make some from cloth. They are sent to my children in Pahang, Batu and OUG. Have ordered surgical masks for them too.

During this lockdown, here in Perlis, sometimes we have fruit growers and farmers advertsing their products. The other day, I have papayas, ikan temenung, pau gebu inti kacang delivered to my home. Some of which I shared with my relatives.

sedaap juga utk dikunyah.. RM 12 ringgit sebekas.

Well... such a long anecdote this writing is.
To sum up, during this trying time when its dangerous to be physically present, be thoughtful to the loved ones.
A small gesture is big to the receiver.
Appreciate the thoughts . Appreciate the move. A thank is all you need to do.

Terimakasih banyak banyak pada yang mengingati makcik tua yang terkurung dirumah. Yang berjalan pun terhencot hencot...hehe.

Waiting for the ikan bilis and jagung pula la ni...

Bye. Stay home n stay safe dearies
Sending love from Perlis.


Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Jalan Depan Rumah

Hows your daily life during MCO folks?
Same same or an overhaul of everything?

For me day in day out during this period of time, its stay at home routine.
Not once did I drive my trusted iriz to the town just a couple of miles be exact about 2 km away.
Most shopping would be done by my cikli or sent by delivery.
Here in Msia, head of the family ,that is the hubby is encouraged to be the one to go out for the essential shopping..that is grocery buying.
Haha..just imagine the predicament of those who are clueless . Those who depended on their wives to go to the market or grocery shopping.
Maka terjadilah.... suruh beli lain dibelinya lain.
As for cikli from the start of our marriage,he started going to the market. You want me to cook, you go buy the things... haha its my syarat if he wants to eat home cooked food. Fair share. Right?

Just to share...
This was the Jalan depan rumah as of yesterday evening...eerily silent.

the patch of sawah stood idle farmer no birds

The grey sky near dusk

from the distance,usually we could see the sun going down in kola

the source of our supply of vitamin C. Somtam,kerabu and jeruk

There's something flying in the evening sky.

Monday, April 6, 2020


Its been nearly a month since I last penned my notes in this blog I mean.
Lots of things happening. Somewhat memeningkan kepala dan hotak .
Even physically drained out. Despite of staying at home since the first day of MCO.

What about you dearies?

Signing off. Till next time.
Bye. Stay safe.