Wednesday, April 8, 2020

the thoughts appreciated

Hari ke dua puluh MCO.
How are you doing my beloved regular readers ?
Though we might not know each other but I do appreciate my readers who spent some of their moments to browse my page.

The stats in my blogger shows  that some are from locals  and some from far away lands.During this lockdown period,my DIY pages seem to have the most hits.
How to repair your pipe without calling the plumber is an example.

A few days into the MCO ,through mail I received a cook book by the famous blogger Azie. I have been having thoughts of buying this cook book for sometime. And out of the blue, my beloved daughter's friend sent me one. Seronoknya. Siap tandatangan Pn Azie lagi. Thank you very much anakanda Azlin. Makcik really love the book . Thanks for your thoughts.

Siap ada nama makcikson lagi....

buku yang diminati... thanks Azlin

I was saying to myself to sew facial masks for my family members as the factory produced ones are hard to get. Searching high and low ,I still couldnt locate my sewing kit.
Isssh..kalau ada kotak jahit tu boleh la mama jahit .
Risau sangat anak2 di KL yang masih tiada mask bila keluar rumah.
Lo and behold, one day the courier delivered me a parcel.
Laaa.. sewing kit!
Rupanya my lovely daughter sent me one through shopee. The next day a mini sewing machine was delived to RBL. Terkejut makcik. Thanks so much Aten for your thoughts.

hand made cloth face mask..
Jadilah kan dari tak ada.
WHO pun dah decree pakailah apa saja penutup hidung dan mulut ya

Haha ... do you know I never try buying things on line before.
But during this MCO ,I tried one.
Hearing my children in KL without rice cooker, I decided to buy one for them. The girl had bought one from the supermarket but it was faulty. And to go back and change during this lockdown is dangerous. But it took one week for the parcel to arrive. From Subang Jaya to Taman OUG!
And their sister in Batu too sent them a cooking utensil.Thoughtful of her.

For the masks, a niece of cikli did make some from cloth. They are sent to my children in Pahang, Batu and OUG. Have ordered surgical masks for them too.

During this lockdown, here in Perlis, sometimes we have fruit growers and farmers advertsing their products. The other day, I have papayas, ikan temenung, pau gebu inti kacang delivered to my home. Some of which I shared with my relatives.

sedaap juga utk dikunyah.. RM 12 ringgit sebekas.

Well... such a long anecdote this writing is.
To sum up, during this trying time when its dangerous to be physically present, be thoughtful to the loved ones.
A small gesture is big to the receiver.
Appreciate the thoughts . Appreciate the move. A thank is all you need to do.

Terimakasih banyak banyak pada yang mengingati makcik tua yang terkurung dirumah. Yang berjalan pun terhencot hencot...hehe.

Waiting for the ikan bilis and jagung pula la ni...

Bye. Stay home n stay safe dearies
Sending love from Perlis.


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