Sunday, June 26, 2016

Lessons from my mum....making the bed

Growing up under the tight discipline of my late mum,the bed is a no no place during the day. Dont u ever . If you need a quick nap during the day,go find somewhere else. Nak kena rotan cubalah naik atas katil tt.

Every morning,rain or shine ,mum would make her cast iron bed with a strict regiment. The mattress would be given a whacking using a wooden stick until it was soft and fluffy. Mind u,we didnt have dunloppilo or gettha or zaina zain's endorsed mattress.  The mattress was filled with kapuk and self made if I was not mistaken. So imagine how the kabu or fluff moved when disturbed.

The bantals or pillows were taken to the windows where they were aired under the morning sun. Wise mum knew the power of the heat could kill molds and jaranglah ada peta peta atas bantal.

I remembered quite well, during the puasa month,beside making baulu,kek marble,wajik ( never come across wajik like her...drooling already) sewing pillow cases,cadar was on her list of to do things. So come hari raya,the little wooden house not only be adorned with self sewn curtains but new beddings as well.

Browsing fb, I came across an interesting article here... Kenapa mengemas katil tu penting.... Navy Seal. made me think.....
Mak kita pun terror juga. Sebijak ketua navy seal bila dia menegaskan pentingnya mengemas bilik tidur .
Banyak lagi tau pelajaran yg di kutip dari mak mak kita yang kita ingat tak ada apa apa...tak tau apa apa sebab depa tak sekolah pun....
Alfatihah buat arwah . TT or Tok Ton...deeply missed .

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Help...the door is locked.Again!

Food on the table...checked.
Spoons and cups...checked.

I looked at the table full of food. The soup was nicely plated. The kuihs in the tray. The red and yellow juices in the container. In a matter of minutes we could sit down for our berbuka. So I think.

For no clear reason,my feet dragged me to the middle room. Pull the door behind me and all hell broke loose..
The door was stuck. Jammed. I couldnt open it from inside nor did cikli from outside. Gave it a hug and a shove. No . It remained stuck.

Shouted for cikli to try the tesco card method. Cikli could not as he has trouble holding things.I could hear him murmuring. Angry for not being able to help.

Ambikla kunci dlm lemari putih tu....also without success.

Panggil la sapa sapa. I asked cikli. Soon he came back with someone. They tried the keys and the cards. No success either.

Tolak sajalah pintu... I asked after some time.
With just a strong shove ,the door sprang open. How relieved was I . Freed at last.

Thank you very very much Adams. The two brothers are our nephews from next door. Mujuq ada depa. Kalau cikli saja entah berapa jamlah cikson terkurung.Berbuka puasa pun entah bila.

I ni dah tak boleh buat apa apa....kata cikli kecewa.
Mata tak nampak,tangan tak kuat.

Tapi mulut masih kuat...I said jokingly.


If I have my way,my energy and the least my dough,I would be very very glad if RBL that we are staying now be spruced up .
The grey coloured curtain could be replaced by a lighter cherrier merrier colour. Hmm...the last and the first time we hired a professional tailor,the cost incurred was in the thousands. Which we hadnt have much.As to say. Buying the materials and sewing them on my old faithful SINGER was an option. But being stuck in accomodating to cikli's medical appointments was a hinder in itself.
Thought of bringing them down and having them a wash in the washing machine was another plan.

Adoi....tinggi melangit pula . Jenuh nak panjat memanjat. Dulu masa muda muda,kerja panjat memanjat turun dan naikkan curtain kerja tahunan cikson.No hal with that. Tapi la ni....nak panjat tangga pun dah ketaq lutuit....

Jadi... untuk bagi ada fefeeling nak raya,cikson cuci throw cushions . ni depa dok di ampaian utk dikeringkan. After that will be the cadar and totos turn.

Last night a voice asked over the phone the questions..
Mama tak menjahit dah ke utk raya ni..?

Browsing the fb, I came across DIY for lawn and porch of the house. Nampak easy breezy. Dan juga ada yang menawan hati...Mencantikkan laman dgn budget friendly DIY

Antara yang memikat cikson...tapi bolehke dibuat dengan sakit2 begini..

 Sekarang ni macam ni lah RBL....
Entah bila nak cantikkan landscape dia.....

dah panggil tukang rumput....tapi entah mana lah dia tersangkut..

Dah bertukar,pintu yang reput,tapi belum lagi cat disalut....

Dah merimbun,pagar rumah...

ini pun perlu ditukar

tak ceria langsung....

We'll see.......bila RBL akan dispruce up
Teeringin nak dapat macam alamat 1930
Sekarang ni ,itulah rupenya RBL......bila orang orang tue saje yang ade...buatlah mana yang terdaya.Entah2 esok lusa dah tak ada....sapa tau na...Prof Izi pun dah tiada.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Help..... the door is locked !

Mujur tak ada siapa2 dalam bilik tu. Kalau tidak lebih lah dramanya.
Si Ninasandaq yang rajin menjenguk dan meninjau ninjau port nak bersalin pun ada diluar.

Cerita malam semalam....
Selepas mengemas bilik cikson menarik daun pintu.
Dan bila hendak memasuki bilik itu semula,cikson dapati kunci tak dapat dibuka.
Jenuh cuba kunci kunci yang ada.
Jenuh menolak daun pintu ,tapi sia sia.
Cikson dah cuba berkali kali begitu juga cikli,tapi hampa.
Pintu tu degil tak mau terbuka....

Kita panggil tauke pintu sajalah, kata cikli.
Hmmm..duit melayang lagilah kalau begini.

Wait!....apakata kita google dulu.
So googled I did and came across many solutions to unlock a deadbolt.
I to unlock a locked door.

Zam zam alakazam....with just a tesco card,I managed to unlock the door.
Yippeeee to me.
Selamat duit seguni..hihi.
Itulah saja cerita pagi pagi ni.
Lagi tak boleh buka pintu tu,lagi tak senang hati..