Friday, July 10, 2015

DIY...small little things ....cable tie

I didnt know much about them till a year ago.When we first moved into RBL ,I was a bit concerned about the fence beside the house. The fence runs between my neighbour's backyard and our wall.So when we opened the glass door ,we would be greeted by the hens' house,the kitchen and the bathroom about 5 metres away..

So , I turned mcquiver and covered the fence with wire /plastic mesh.Lo and behold,the hens house and all the eyesores were there no more...hidden from eyesight tho its still there.
the fence....cable tied wire mesh

And the small little things came to good use.
I mean these obscure little things called cable tie....

cable tie

how to tie 

After finishing the fence project,I had a bunch of them left.
Soon they were put to good use.
The mugs were seen hanging from the window .
Like this...

hanging mugs

the s hook and the cable tie

After that,the cable ties were handy in many occasions.......
The container for plastic bags found itself hanging.
The other day when the pump for the toilet didnt work,the mcquiver in me knew what to do.

And when I asked mr.tenet about the other uses of this small little things,he gave me a number of uses...
and this blog has 100 uses of them small little things...

Thats all folks
Salam Ramadan.Bye.Have a nice day.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

DIY...something soft,something sweet...Qasidah

The other day I was pining for something soft and something sweet for my berbuka.
Remembered my mum churning them out on her hot wooden stove aka dapur kayu those old days.
On top of it she scattered the fragrant home made fried onions....yummy.

I could agak agak and made them anyway.
But what if it turned out tawaq hebiaq or maneh melecaih?
So googled I did.
And I soon found myself at cik att's blog.

So that evening cikson and cikli had qasidah utara for berbuka.Thanks cik att for the recipe.
When I gave a portion to my min she koleh..

Qasidah utara ilham cik att.

1 cup wheat flour
3 cups water
7 tb sugar
1 tsp kapoor.

Mix all the mixture well. Drain into a pot.
Stir over fire until its thick amd shiny.
And that is your QASIDAH.


Slice a few red onions and fry until crispy.
Scatter on the qasidah.SIAP!

There simple kan.I made it twice.But I missed the kapoor part because it was unavailable in my kitchen...

Here's my rendition of Cik Att Qasidah Utara
Anna,Anta.....marila.Rasa ana punya qosidah la.

something soft and sweet.
Itulah saja anak anak
Masak memasak kita kali ini.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Macam tadika.....

Bagai berada dalam Tadika pun ada masa aku disana beberapa jam , beberapa jam yang lalu.Menemanai cikli yang memerlukan rawatan mata yang entah kali ke berapa.
Suara lantang misi memanggil nama.
Terketar2 pakcik pakcik yg sememangnya dah tua melangkahi baris2 kerusi menuju sudut .
Si misi menunjukkan huruf
Pakcik...huruf apa ni?
Yang ditanya laju menjawab
Semakin lama semakin lewat jawapan diberi.
M  kata pakcik
Salah tu...kata anak kecil yg memerhati..

Rosli bin .....
Nama cikli dilaungkan
Cikli kebahagian sudut itu
Satu satu terdengar suara cikli menyebut huruf huruf.Kemudian diam.
Tak nampak dah.....lantas diberi izin kembali ke saf.Tunggu giliran dalam bilik pula.

ABCDEF....lantang suara pesakit menyebut huruf 2 yang dirujuk.Cepat dan yakin.
Pandai....dapat A ni aku melawak
You tadi macam murid Linus.
Dan peserta pertama macam murid baru masuk tadika..

Itulah antara scenario diwad Ophthalomology pagi tadi.Masa aku jadi peneman cikli yang semakin teruk jarak penglihatan.
Namun rawatan belum berkesudahan.Kena datang balik bulan depan..

Hello YB.
Sisuami menegurku
Isssh.....aku mmg fail dalam mengecam nama .
Hello...jawabku.Sambil senyum kambing.....bekkkkk.

YB...Yang Berhormat
No no hormat apa nye...Its Yang Bersara.
Jumpa kawan GB yg menemani isteri..Life passed too fast.Its been 7 years since I saw him in the meeting room...
Itulah roda dunia...

Monday, July 6, 2015

Best wishes for thee,my dear

Yesterday she turned a year wiser...aka older.
The siput sedut state of the internet  made my getting the posting done APTB.

Today I knocked the keyboard and struck publish.


Happy belated bday kak Ina ...said the cats too.

the sisters

with abah Li

The second child in the family,Between an elder sister and a younger brother she came.Macam ibunya.So I cant deny when I saw the traits in her ,they were akin to mine...hehe.Sharp but witty.Loving but sometimes  remorse.Kuat merajuk sedari kecil.Tak suka menyusahkan and she is a great survivor...
Remembered those days of her in her sekolah rendah..Cepat belajar.By 5 she could already read just by following her elder sister who just entered school.
How do you spell kakak? We would ask her.
She would go...KA kak  kakak
katak...KA tak  katak
cirit..  CI rit  cirit
meja...ME ja just to name a few.
That was a source of our delights.She got a lot of questions for things around her.
Once she asked..
Mak,pasai apa kita tak minum susu we passed by a rubber tree and the latex intrigued her.
suka mengembara
agar boleh ke sana
And by 13,she saw herself in a boarding school in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.Having to be on her own till she finished her degree .Away from home.Even more so when she started working.

Dearest ..

Please know that mamaabah love you so much.So do your siblings.I have hopes that you would find your true fittings in life.May it be in your working or personal life.May one day,you meet someone who would be a true to you.