Saturday, October 28, 2017

Happy weekend lovely people

Tak nak beratkan my oblong eh medulla oblongata.
My brainla tu.
Pak Jib dah bentangkan belanjawan dia ptg semalam
Ramai komplen dia syik dok sapu ayaq lioq dia . Ada petanda tu depa kata. Tu depa. Makcikson tak komen apa apa sebab tak tengok pun. Cikson dengaq saja. So mana nak tau dia buat apa. Apa bahasa badan dia. Dia perli wan jijah pun makcik tak tau...

So light and easy we go this weekend.

Semalam cikten hantaq voice record si pohim  dok nyanyi
Tak tau lah beghapa kali makcik dok rewind dengaq.
Tehiboq tau dengaq lagu dia dok nyanyi. Cuba nak upload tapi tak berjaya. Kalau tidak boleh share dengar budak dua tahun nyanyi lagu omputih cara dia.

Ninasandaq pun dah beranak kecil lagi. 4 ekor anak bulus yang aktif menghiburkan hati kami dua suami isteri. Sementara waktu depa kami benar dok berlari dalam rumah. Dari 4 ekor tu satu yang berlain.. mirip ninasandaq. We named her Teh.Dia rasanya jadi maskot kami. Kecik saja tapi hamboi suara besaq. Manja pula tu.
teh ...actress in the making
Maknya ninasandaq
Pak pula tak pernah tanya habaq
Thats all folks. Love you all.
Have a happy and relaxing weekend.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

WW..apa yang kau nampak tak sama dgn apa yang ku nampak.

lihat awan bergumpal gumpal
Apa yang kau nampak belum sama dengan apa yang ku nampak.
Dan apa yang ku nampak mungkin berbeza sudut perspektifnya

Sunday, October 22, 2017

What's up in Perlis?... anything of interest?

Its been a long long time since the household of RBL could travel as they wish and like.
Ingat lagi dulu dulu.. cuti sekolah,hujung bulan ,hujung minggu ciksoncikli would be up and around places.
Kulim where cikson family originated was a monthly place to visit as tokmad and tokton were staying there until they moved out to Lunas. It was here that the children of RBL were able to frolick in tokwan's small garden. Here they watched as tokmat concocted his minyak urut. Rugi tak belajar ramuan ramuan yang dia guna berserta ayat ayat quran yang di baca. Berkesan ubatnya.

Later,the Lunas house was abandoned after tokmat's demise. Tokton moved to her daughter's house in Sg. Petani which was to be her last resting place. And we called Sg petani our most frequented place until tokton was called to rest. And it was also the end of our monthly visitation to Sg Petani.

Now the visit is far in between as cikli was taken ill since last year. No more going places at the spur of the moment or hopping in the car for a visit to KL and Pahang.

Our RBL is our nook.
Even Padang Besar and Alor Setar seem distant. And I was oblivious to the development of Perlis herself.

haha...panjangnya mukadimah. Ni baru nak masuk cerita sebenarnya.

So one day,ciklin wanted to shop around in Padang. Leaving behind cikli at home,mum and daughter shoot off to the border town.
Nothing much along the way. It was the same as we had seen the last time. The Timah Tasoh Dam was still there. The hills and vegetation were much the same except for a few spots of development near Sungai Cucuh.

As we neared Padang Besar, we notice buntings about a new place recently opened. PADANG WAREMART is here ,folks. We sauntered into the warehouse like shopping mall ,only to be greeted by a few already operating shops whereas many are still shuttered.
Mai bulan November semua kedai bukak la kak..said one shop assistant when we asked why many are not operating as yet.

new place to burn RM in Padang comes November. Now macam tak dak apa apa la sangat

antara yg dah beroperasi
barang begini pun ada 

gambar dari fb. 

So what's up Perlis? Beside the fast development in and around Kangar town, Padang Mart in Padang Besar is a new atrraction for those who are easy with their money.
Well....we did buy  a few tudungs at RM 15 each. Quality wise its better at the morning market though.

The weather was extremely hot these few days. Sometimes the sky was as bogel as it could be . Sometimes there's nay a cloud in the sombre sky.
As an admirer of nature ,I didnt let the clouds in the sky go unrecorded.

awan di taman 7

awan di KPJ yg akan mula beroperasi tak lama lagi

awan disini... macam dok sembunyi

kemudian berbentuk begini...
Thats all folks,cerita dari utara. Nak cerita ttg yg lain ,kita tak kemana mana.Jadi penunggu gua saja.Have a nice Sunday everybody. Love you all.Bye.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Happy Birthday Pohim cayang..

Satu dua..ampak
Bila mengira belum nombor tiga,dia dah sampai empat

Tak nak.nak ,dia sebut dengan terang
Bila ditanya atau disuruh buat pilihan,tanpa teragak agak tanpa segan segan

Dah dua tahun dia hari ini
Happy Birthday!

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Selamat Hari Lahir yang kedua Muhammad Fahim Zaidan .

Semoga Muhammad Fahim Zaidan diberi Allah kesihatan yang baik dan membesar menjadi anak yang memberi cahaya kepada kehidupan ayah bonda dan semua ahli keluarga. Menjadi Mukmin yang soleh ,di rahmati Allah . Disenangi semua.

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Happy Birthday

Sanah Helwah
Selamat Hari Lahir.