Monday, August 8, 2022

Apalagi ?

 Mengikuti hal ehwal semasa aka berita,aku terkesima. Apa lagi haaaa !

Belum pun closure ttg Imdb dan src timbul pula lcs.

LCS tu ape? Ada yg bertanya.

Rasuah dan salah guna kuasalah apa lagi. Huge amount of money lost. The sum of 6 billions they said.

This time its Ltat pulak.

Geram betul bila baca berita berita mcm ni.

Some people just rubbishes the case 

Ehhh mana ada. Tu fitnah semata.

Well ,bila PAC yg source of reference, ini bukan auta. Ni audit peringkat tinggi punya.

Remembered when I was in office where procument was one of the job scope.

Cikli ,the hubby was always urging me to source from his shops. Which I was against and my clerks advised not to.

Had arguments with him when he was very persuasive 

You nak suruh I kena Sprm ke?

Just for a few dollars you want me to forgo my pension? My gratuity would fly through the window?

So until I retired, no business was done with him.

Bodoh. Penakut. Some one said. Awat tak guna peluang tolong husband. Bercambah orang buat 

Later,on tv whenever there were court cases involving admins of schools, I was quick to point out.

Ni mesti tolong husband. Bila kena naik court sorang sorang. 

Just sharing my thoughts on corruptions and salah guna kuasa.

Kesabaran rakyat msia amat tinggi. Sabar saja baca kes kes penyelewengan billion ringgit. 

Tapi darah cikson makin naik. 


  1. bila terlalu lama berkuasa jadi macam ni lah...

  2. Betul sangat. Macam tak berkesudahanlah kes kes rasuah skala besar ni.
