Monday, October 4, 2021


 Good morning folks.

Been very busy these few days. So the absence.

Cikli ,after being discharged from the ward was home at last after a 4 day stay. His illness made the children worry and they took turn to come home.

Cikten and cikna stayed for a few days and now they are back in KL. At least I had a few days to myself.

With the children away and cikli early in bed, I had the tv to myself. 

Flipping channels is my utmost pleasure. Ehh dah macam ada ADHD pun ada. So little attention span.

Incidentally, the last programme watched before retiring to bed was Pak Nil's talk show. With a renown actress as the quest.

Sharifah Sakinah was on air with ADHD as the main subject.

Yang nak gelak tu ,boleh cikpah kita menghidu ketiak dia masam ke tidak live . Haha. Betul betul impulsive. Satu ciri ADHD katanya.

At the end of the programme, my eyes were swelling in tears. Kesian mereka yang dilahirkan begitu. 

And one faded and jaded figure entered ..... a person who had a great impact on people around her. 

Ada ADHD agaknya dia...

Karektor dia selalu off point. Tindak tanduknya , tutur katanya memberi kesan yg bukan sedikit kepada orang sekeliling. 

ADHD is an illness. Sick treatment if you think some loved ones are having one. The impact is great. Not only to the sufferer but others too. Especially if the sufferer is an elder child. Anak sulung kalau ada ADHD ini akan memberi impak yang bukan sedikit kepada sibling nya.

Dari google ..... 

sifat pesakit. Tapi adakala yg perempuan pun boleh ada sifat lelaki. 

Emak emak ,nenek nenek , cuba teliti ,kot kot ciri ciri ADHD ada dalam anak cucu . Seek professional help if the needs arise. Jangan sampai dah tak tertolong baru nak ambil tindakan.
Remembered too well, some of my pupils who might probably had this ADHD.
Hari mereka tidak kesekolah adalah hari tenang buat kelas dan sekolah...
Curious juga nak tahu perkembangan mereka.
Entah entah dah jadi CEO...

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