Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The furry kids from comes Ayang


 Its still grimly dark in Perlis,when I ventured out. Could hear some movements from the cage. Switched on the porch lights and there on the floor,came Ayang. 

Hey... pandai no kluaq sangkaq. This Ayang of a cat is quite a cat. Berani dia ni. Adventurous.Tapi sikit cenge. Nampak Monkey, menyeringai saja dia. Hissssss memanjang. Ajak bergaduh la tu.

Semalam ,cikna beli kelambu utk sangkar kucing2 tu. Kesian katanya melihat mereka jadi kerabu buat nyamuk nyamuk. Jadi dari celah2 lompong sangkar, dia mencari jalan keluar. 

Its more than a week the furry kids came to Perlis. They have overcame their fear of cikli and cikson. They were more laid back now. Even stealing their entry into the house. 

Koko and Moki ,her mom and sis are still in the cage. They havent found out how to escape from the cage as Ayang did. 


Ayang or Sayang is Moki's daughter. She has a sister named Koko. At seven years old they were Kl born and bred. It must be a shock for them when they moved to Perlis. They have so much to see and explore. 

The other day I had a chuckle when they looked puzzled to hear the chicken crowing .

Now they are figuring what the monster in the bathroom is . That goes wussshhhh wush and lots of  water comes out of it.