Thursday, October 29, 2020

Like those old days....

 Just the other day when my sister came visiting....

After quite a late lunch, we went some shopping.

Took her to a sub of Joe Lelong... Musa Raja Lelong, housed in the old market place. My first ever although this place has been on quite a while. 

Ehhh.. macam dulu dulu la . The shop were full of household goods . Some of which were displayed the 50 percent discount.

Alas,Musa Raja Lelong was not in sight. Only his recorded voice was played. With him around price could be slashed dramatically. 

Bought a bday present for my sister's grand daughter who had just turned three. A cute and charming little girl. A plastic tiffin carriers and a RADIO for me.

Haha ...A radio!

like those old days... 

WTH did I want the radio for? With everything on the  internet,why did I buy a physical radio. And I chose one that looks like one in those old days.

For keepsakes and fond memories.That is.

Yes the radio was a sweet memory to my dear tt who passed away few years back. Tok ton,the late, would always be near her fond radio. More so when there were quran recitations . Mengaji as we call it.The radio was still with me somewhere but its out of function. newly acquired radio is my friend. I could now follow my local FM. Radio Perlis where I could HEAR local news more.Alas radio IKIM could not be located.

My brother from Kedah is coming over today. With his new menantu. Got to simpan rumah asap. Takkan nak sambut oghang dengan rumah ketakketahuan kan..bye.

Kak,tak payah masak apa apa. Kita pi makan gulai itik!

Just realised. Today is a public holiday. Janganlah kedai jual gulai itik tu tutup!

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