Saturday, September 12, 2020

Risau up North 2

 That TEMCO is now presently enforced in Kota Setar made the risau in me work overtime.
Ehhh nak risau buat apa? Some might ask.
Bukan terlibat pun... smirked another.
Ingat kat Tuhan... add a preacher.

Reading about about people fleeing the lockdowned area before the onset of the exercise put a damper on my heart. What la kalau dia pembawa. 
And then there were those who enter the proximity of the virus stricken area without much ado about anything.
Malau, Tunjang and a few areas not in Kota Setar as of yesterday KKM briefing had a number of positive cases. And this could potentially poses a threat to other areas as well. Perlis as an example.
People going to Pulau Langkawi have to enter Perlis as Kuala Kedah ferry is grounded. The other day when I was at the jetty, it was crowded. 
And as for Langkawi itself, luckily until yesterday none was tested positive. But the incubation period is 14 days kan. So results is yet to be seen.
Tolonglah... if you have no urgent matter, please stay away from here. KIV dululah nak bercuti2 kat Langkawi although its opened to do so. Duit boleh carilah sayang. 
As I was typing this post, I was quite perplexed to see quite a number of vehicles going to Kuala. Bas persiaran pun ada.  

Today ,I bet that the stretch of road along the sea at Kuala would be teeming with people.Ikan bakaq, lockching, laksa dok memanggil manggil ajak mai. 
Ehh.. takut apa? Jom pi seround petang ni!
Kalau Makcik manatah dari Jitra terbersin pun, antibodi kita kuat. Tak jadi apa aiih. A few weeks before I was really annoyed by a patron of an eatery who sneezed a few smack feet away from me. Without a facemask..Heww..mujuq tak jadi apa. 

Fervently hope that this phase of our life laid to rest soon. Its getting on our nerves day by day to see the three digits cases.R naught kita pun dah meninggi. Dont let what happened in Italy, Spain ,Brazil be here. 
Rasanya orang yang ikuti twitter masa mula2 Wuhan kena serang dgn virus ini tau peritnya . How the lockdown in China was carried out. The extent of the suffering. Kalau tak mungkin tak tahu yang virus ni memporakperandakan kehidupan manusia . Selagi tiada vaksin. 

Kesian aku tengok DG KKM. Kadangkala terpancar kesedihan diwajahnya masa sidang akhbar. Dan aku yang follow fbnya terpaku bila jam telah dinihari, Tan Sri masih upkan postingnya tentang situasi kita. Kuatnya dia bekerja. May Allah SWT protect you.

Thats all folks. Stay safe always. Toksah lah dok giat nak pi mana2. Lebih2 lagi mai utara for now. Bila dah selesai nanti, mailah . Kita pi jalan2 dan makan2.



  1. Betul, Dr Hisyam tu kadang2 tak sanggup saya nak pandang muka dia..sedih..huhu

    1. Mana tak sedih Syaz. Orang yang pandai2 dan ada pangkat buat main2 saja nasihat dia. Tapi bila kes meningkat pi tuding kat dia... geram betul.Tgk kesungguhan dia bekerja dgn team dia, actually dia boleh disamakan dgn jewel of Msia. Sangat berharga.

    2. betul kak, kebal sangat sesetengah orang tu..jentik tak jatuh hihi
