Sunday, November 17, 2019

MY greatest pleasure is to see .....

Been under the weather lately.
And taking aspirin till it lasts.
Visiting the clinics nowadays might make the sickness worsen....
100 lebih utk ubat demam mau bertambah demam...Mamp*** kata orang utara.

So kerja kerja banyak tergendala.
Niat nak kemas no.7 tak kesampaian.
Makan minum pun dah tak ketahuan.
The other we joked...amboi bersih cuci calat peti ais kita no.
Its better buying cooked food from the restaurants than buying groceries and they rot.

Its been many weeks after that grueling upstairs climb in Arau.
Hope the people in charge tend to the ailing lift soon and make sure they dont break down so often. Or break down not at all.
I can tell you that I nearly collapse that day on reaching the top of the stairs with that heavy bag of mine. And all pain break loose the days after.

Its our greatest pleasure to see a well tended public facility .

So too was my trip to Pahang the last time. Exiting the highway,we made our wat to Temerloh for a taste of patin tempoyak. The patin at Gobang Maju was delightful. Then on the way back, we need to go to the loo. Stopping at a Petronas Station we were dismayed by the condition of the toilet....menyengat hidung. Mission halted.

Awat la no jadi macam tu. Pi toilet Petron ok pula. Maka dok berkicaulah orang bukan Islam lebih menjaga kebersihan dari orang Islam.

Its my great pleasure to see videos of my two cucus. Macam2 gaya dk ada. Kalau sapa2 dok cari young talents ,hah depa boleh kot. Yang kecik setahun tu...adoi mcm2 . dia aksi dia . Lucu tak? Aksi menunggu ibu beli barang kat pasar malam. Aksi dia merajuk pun gelihati juga.Ala2 hero filem Hindustan merajuk kat makwe.
Dalam video kat atas tu dia beraksi tanpa skrip tanpa pengarah tapi depan kamera...sambil tunggu ibu habis membeli.

Thats all folks.Have a great weekend.

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