Saturday, June 19, 2010

tribute to angah


She was a sister that’s a treasure to have. I mean a sis –in –law.

Kind,affable,soft spoken,always a smile on her lips was all the memory that I have of her.Olin was very attached to her.Being the first born cucu,her angah showered all her love on her.

Angah was pakli’s second sister.A clerical assistant at a university ,she was also well liked by her friends. This I could see when the unit she had worked in Johore took a day trip to Kangar just to attend her last day. And there was this young couple whom the family had never met visiting her resting place  twice. It was soon learned that the young man had a soft spot for my angah.Sadkan ! Coming all the way,bringing the wife along to visit the grave .

Angah had her share of sad episodes in her life.Bertunang tak jadi,being looked down by her b’s family because she was from Perlis.It was because the daughter of the family’s family was shattered by someone from here.Thus the mother was enraged and set a magna carta that all Perlisian are home wreckers.How crude!

Remembering her when she was battling her life against that fearful C was like wrenching one’s heart.

She finally succumbed to that fatal disease a few years back.

But the memory of her kindness was here to stay.

Love you angah.

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