Ingat tak ada la cerita apa apa ttg kisah ke laundry
Haha... nak gelak,nak marah ada ja.
Macam2 la.
Lawak ke idak, cikson cuba diffuse the tension when cikli was angry by the remarks made by the worker of the laundry we frequented.
When asked by another worker, if the sheets used for the katil pengantin needed dry cleaning or normal was,this was his reply. Nonchalantly.
Ni buruk...perlu basuh saja.
What? Cadar pengantin ku buruk? What a remark. And he dared say that to the customer's face.
Cikli was offended and answered back
Buruk pun,a wak jgn cakap macam tu!
I just gave a laugh to diffuse the situation.
And explained itu cadar lama bukan buruk. Beli dkt 15 tahun dah. Guna dua tiga kali saja. Jadi heirloom keluarga.
Kalau saya pun otak singkat, mau terjerit2..Apa kata aku punya cadar buruk? Cekak pinggang and storm out after giving a punch on his face.
But tokton taught me to be tolerant. Masa kena jerit2 tempoh hari pun aku tak jerit balik. Kalau aku pun jerit2, mau aku semboq semua bobrok keluarganya. I just answered Alhamdulillah. Betul ni. Sumpah tak bohong. But to the punca, I gave my piece of mind la.
Well back to the story at the dhoby.
Entering the car, as I was starting the engine, the workers rushed towards us.
Oooi nak gaduh lagi kah? Tak puas hati kot...I assumed.
Cik2, cadar yg cik bagi taksat tu customer lain punya.
Hah? Customer lain? How come.
Ni ada mix up ni. Nama yg tag kat cadar tu nama org lain.
Weey...Ni salah u all kalau jadi macam tu. Saya tak perati pun tag2 tu. Masa diguna, orang lain yang hampar.
The cadar in question was a comforter. About the same hue as mine...cream.
To be exact, my cadar was bought in 2007 in Nilai for quite a handsome price.
Its used just once,and I let a family used part of it once too.
After using,send it to be cleaned and didnt open the plastic for years. Foregt whats the composition of the bed linens.
Then came lin's wedding....used the whole item fully for the second time.
When the mystery of the mix up came..I too couldnt recount what it was originally consisted.
I did keep a piece of the picture of the bedding,but that didnt help much.
If that piece of comforter belongs to another customer, then return it to her.
But I was perplexed where another piece of my cadar went to...
Kena kena bahagian mine dah selamat pi kat orang lain.
So for future visit to the laundry...have this in mind.
Take a shot of the receipt.
Count the number of pieces you take there.
When you get your wash back, check the full content. Jgn terus simpan tanpa was was.
Tapikan... itulah yg kita buat, Nak mengecheck tu habislah terburai semuakan. Kan?
Adooi... poning memikirnya.
Betul ke my cadar got mix up.
Betulka composition cadar ku begitu
Ntahlah....hari ni genap seminggu. Kisah seram menakutkan terjadi pada ku.
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