Saturday, July 6, 2019

Light and easy moments...lovable Jack

Saw on British Got Talent.
This video of a father and son duo rendering their own song.
Fell for it just like Simon.
Not just their lovely melodious rendition but the relationship as well.
Jack the 12 year old son and his 43 year old father were seen so loving of each other.
That relationship....some were not that lucky.

Hope Fohim and Fateh too have this kind of relationship with ayah. I saw that . I feel they are lucky boys .Fahim always wants no one to console him except his ayah .Ayah is his world.
Moga selamanya mereka di asuh, dididik oleh ayah yang penyabar . Di baja kasih sayang antara mereka hingga dewasa.
Seen so much of displaced family when something happened.
Anak jadi pendiam, membisu ,reclusive ,memberontak bila tiang keluarga beralih tempat dan arah.

Bapa Jack,stay at home dad raising his own four children.
And I read somewhere, children raised and taught by their dad are more intelligent.
Yes, my own 4 children have their father to be thankful for.
Masa sekolah rendah dulu , every night, abah mengajar mereka.
Jadi guru tuisyen mereka.
Alhamdulillah.... berjaya mereka. Dapat berdikari mencari rezeki sendiri.

One moment stood out firmly. Cikli tgh sakit. Hari hujan lebat. Anak yg ditunggu tak balik lagi. Seminggu lagi nak UPSR. So ciksoncikli drive ke taman permainan di perumahan seberang jalan.
Haaa...betul bagai jangkaan. Ada pun dia sdg menendang bola. Dalam hujan. Serta merta diajak balik ,disuruh mandi . Mujur tak demam.
Malam tu si anak kena tazkirah panjang....

Well...I have my dad too to be thankful for what I have became. Academically I mean. Boleh jadi orang dan sara my own family.Hihi.

Fathers... be lovable, responsible to your children like Jack's father did.
Jack... I agree you are a lucky boy. Love your dad and cherish him in his old time.

Comel benar Jack ni...

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