Monday, July 15, 2019

Hilang tempo....

The weather been gloomy these few days up north.
This morning, seeing the sun shining, I took out the toto to be dried.
Lo ho behold, no sooner had I turned my back, there came a heavy shower.
Tergopoh gapah cikson tarik balik toto dalam rumah.

Matahari bersinar jgn sangka tak dak hujan.
Sekali dia menyiram, lari makhluk bertempiaran.
Si Bu yang bersenang diri di tangga pun sama. Mencicit lari menuju porch

Why not send the toto to the dhoby, you might ask.
Basuh sikit sikit, boleh saja ditampung oleh mesin basuh di rumah walau telah lanjut usia umurnya. Mau dekat 10 tahun dia berkhidmat.
I read about the danger posed by dobi layan diri . Its a time bomb as those franchisers use gas for home use. Boleh meletup tup tup. Ngeri.

I surfed the net about the weather for the coming months. Huhu... according to accu weather, it doesnt seem too sunny. Expect a soggy July you alls.

A bit of gossip though... berita yg dibaca about our ex YDP . Tiga sekali . Apa hal.
Kalaulah betul...kesian juga. Macam institusi perkahwinan tu main main saja. alahai.Hope its just a gossip.
Actually, marrying and staying in marriage requires a lot . Sabaq, Setia, Usaha dan Agama kena ada. Not just ringgit and sen. Nor only cinta cintun .

Thats all folks.
Kenapa ntah hari ni, otak yg berjalan tidak serancak jari yg menekan huruf2 di keyboard. Old age is catching up.Huhu.

Hope I stay fit for the majlis. Mentally and physically. Jangan hilang tempo.Insha Allah.

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