Friday, July 27, 2018

If we live by the emoticons,this is yesterday...

Yesterday,nearly half the day was spent on the road.
I was driver to cikli for his appointment at HTF at ten.Thus by 9.55 ,I drove my dusty iriz to the hospital and deposited cikli at the lounge of  klinik pakar. Lots of people there,and finding a spot to park the car was a futile effort.
Out of the hospital, I drove back to where I came. Halfway,stopping at the day market held at FAMA. With a 50 dollar note, I managed to buy quite a handful
Garlics,onions,ginger,sotong,udang .ikan temenung and daging that will see us through for a few days,I hope.
A three ringgit worth of putu mayong was also in the catch.

Home I went and after sometime,I went out again. This time to the bengkel cuci kereta . Iriz needs a bath badly. Soon, she got her bath and I was a happy driver again.

Hmm.. call cikli to know his progress at the clinic. A sombre note...he has not been attended yet.
Why not I visit my beloved no 7.
And again I drove across Kangar town to where I call home 4 years ago. Dust has fallen on her once again.And cikli has brought back barangtakguna to store. Gerrrrram nye. I have called and hired cleaners to clean the house a few months back and now its an eyesore once again.
NAP pest ..I need your help. As for the paint, I need a few hundred bucks which I need to save.
And cikli has to learn that his wife is against clutter .
Dah berlori buang,dia bawa balik lagiiii. Adoii.

Where did I go from here?
Oh yeah... asam jawa dah habis. So to FRShop I stopped. Well hey,its the other shop where I got a few things. Asam jawa dia cantik . Got out from there with a few supplies. Duit lagiii.

Cikli, are you done?
Yes, I dok tgh jumpa doktor. Mai la. Satgi selesai la.

Vrrrroooomed,off I went to HSF once again. Waited patiently at the door. Saw cikli walking into the klinik pakar section.
Huiiih..awat tak keluaq lagi .Jumpa kawan ka?
Its been quite a while and the traffic is getting thicker. So decided to move my car from there. But where?
Menggila wey lagu ni.
Got to find a nice shade so that I could wait in comfort. So into the hsopital compound I went in, drove till the parking spot at the morque. No shade ...
To the main road and soon I found a spot. Parked my car and waited.
No call from cikli. Its nearly two.
Took out my phone and saw that a message.

Into the hospital once again and there cikli was on the bench,waiting.

Haaa lapaaaaq. He said.
Suri or RJ. I asked.
At the traffic lights,I corner kiri which took me to RJ.
Lengang saja kedai. I noticed.
Lengang lagi tray tray lauk yg tersusun atas para.
Lapaq punya hal,cedok juga nasi ke pinggan. Satu ketul kecik kedemit ekor lembu masak pajeri,satu keping sayur lobak panjang yg dah layu,sambal belacan and tiga ulas petai,sikit masak apa ntah I took my seat at the table. Cikli joined soon. Nasi and a piece of chicken with some gravy.
Tu pun puas mundar mandir cari lauk berbaki.
Haha.. nak terkejut tgk harga yg dikira. ...... Termasuk air . Gulp.
Issh.. kalau I , I kira lebih kurang saja bila lauk dah habis. Kira sedekah sajalah. Pelanggan pun kikih talam masa tu..

Balik dari RJ,ke FAMA lagi
Cikli nak beli buah la pula...
Bila sampai rumah, terkelepek dua dua warga RBL...

And if we live by emoticons.this is yesterday

letih sampai terjuloq lidah,
kata orang Kedah....hah hah.


  1. Macam tu lah kita bila dah masuk usia senja ni ya Cik Son. Saya pun tak boleh rushing2 macam dulu. Kena rehat banyak.

    1. Dah habis tenaga masa zaman muda. Bekerja ,urus rumahtangga dan seribu satu cabaran. Bila tua2 ni dah tak upaya nak cergas mcm dulu. Penat sangat.
