Wednesday, August 1, 2012

bersabarlah duhai hati

Thats what she wrote.

A young mother with a 2 year old son who met with a tragic end.Syaleza the executive from tv 9 was found to succumb to asphyxia.And her husband is still in remand to assist investigation.So the news said.

She’s 30,her child 2.And i presume she was in her  first phase of marriage….i mean the first 5 years.And i couldnt help but to  hop on the train of time….backward

The first 5 years of my marriage was not a sail in the yacht,mesmerising sunset and beautiful rainbow  but torrents of hails and storms.Its the phase when you got to assimilate with strangers.Your other half,his family ,your neighbours need time to get to know them.And them to know you.

Its also the time when you learn what clicks.

And countless time i have written……sabarlah duhai hati.

And it isnt over until now

Or will it be forever……..


  1. Semoga rohnya aman damai di sisi Maha Pengasih.


    1. kakcik,
      semoga keluarga allahyarhamah tabah menghadapi ujian ini.alfatihah.
