Sunday, August 9, 2020

What's Up,Perlis?..... TEMCO is here!

What's up Perlis?
This is the usual question my children would ask me. Whenever they call home.

More quiet than ususal.

Yesterday I accompanied cikli to the ER of Hospital Tunku Fauziah,Kangar.
 He has been having his bout of dizziness yang lain macam aja these last few days.
The road towards the hospital is eerily empty save for a few cars. The feeling is like we are under lockdown came over me.

Not that many people in ER and soon cikli was attended to . Noticed that the ambience of the ER isnt it normal self. There are tents erected where patients could wait for their turn for treatments. And there are cabins for Covid19 testing. Health personnels in full PPE gears were seen entering and cming out from there.

"Ada patient suspected covid dalam tu " cikli told me later. Ewe.
The few patients waiting for their doctor came with a number of illnesses. A few were seen and heard coughing. Musim demam la ni. But one loud cough made me turned around.
Ya rabbi! Dah batuk pi buka mask pulak!
Adoooi... a young girl was coughing without her mask on a few metres away from where I was seated.
I gave her a look and she pulled up her mask.
Pakailah mask dik na sentiasa. Especially when you cough. B*ng*kkkk! Macam nak pi tarik telinga dia saja.

TEMCO was eventually in placed at 2 kampungs in southern Perlis yesterday evening. Kuala Sanglang and Kampung Pulau Timbul was put under the restraining order due to the increasing number of covid patients there. Semua sbb mamak nasi kandaq Sivagangga tu. Adoiii.
Today yet another 500 residents of that area would be subjected to swab tests. Kesian depa.

the sleepy hollow of pekan Kuala Sanglang

its a fishing village.

Thank you cikten and kakak2 . Cikten searched for runner to buy groceries for RBL as cikli wouldnt be able to be around . And around 5, the groceries arrived safely. Bimbang depa takut mak mereka dok merayau pi kedai . Mau sebulan ration yang dihantar. Alhamdulillah.

Semoga wabak yang melanda sekarang cepat berlalu pergi dan kita boleh menjalani kehidupan harian tanpa bimbang lagi.

Bye,folks. Stay safe ya.


  1. Semoga semuanya berada dalam keadaan selamat

    1. Tkasih . Tapi bimbang juga sbb kawasan ni 10-15 minit saja dari rumah.
