Saturday, June 11, 2022

Bila cucu2 balik kampung halemen.....

 Cuti penggal persekolahan sekarang ni. Seminggu la juga.

Mesti ramai ambil kesempatan balik kampung halaman or halemen as my cucu puts it.

Dua cucu kesayangan tok n wan juga tak ketinggalan. Balik sekejap walau baru juga balik Hari Raya dulu.

Terubat rindu.

Hehe... macam macamla feel depa kali ni esp yang kedua. Ada ada saja.

1.One morning, dia ternampak si ayam jantan dan pasangannya mematuk matuk dihalaman.

Excitednya dia. 

'Ayam goyeng , how are youuuu? He greeted them .

Ayam goyeng? Kesian ayam ayam tu. Mesti terbayang nasib mereka bakal menjadi ayam goreng.

2. Dia masih belum boleh membaca . Huruf huruf tu bolehlah . Dengar dia menyuruh ibunya mengeja . Rupanya nak cari you tube .

Tu la adik kena pi school. Boleh eja sendiri. Boleh google macam macam.

Terus kepala digeleng bila 'school' disebut. Pantang dia sekolah disebut. 

3. Dalam kereta dia membelek buku . Ada satu perkataan yang dia menyuruh ibunya mengeja dan menyebut bunyinya. Ibu menurutnya. Tapi dia tak puas hati.Butaaan. Butaan macam tu.

Ayah, abang tokwan semua tolong menyebut dan mengeja. Semua bukan/butan.

Last last nenek masuk campur. Ahh betul la. Dia berhenti merengek. Yeay...

Nawarhall .... must be spelled the phonic way. Gitu.

4.He is adamant . It a task finding what he wants. He has reasons up his sleeves so you have to know how to tackle him. 

5. He taught me ' How to make lemonade from oranges'. Siap chill lagi

Banyak lagilah ragam budak 4 tahun ni tera nak besar...

Betullah kata orang.. Orang tua ada kala kalah dengan lojik budak 4 tahun. 

Layanlah gambar budak 4 tahun ni melukis potret wan Li nya.

Kalah Van Goh dan Picasso.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Finding nemo shoes

 Its been ages I browsed the aisles of shopping complexes. But yesterday I braved myself for one.

In the quest of finding suitable shoes and a handbag took me to one of the mall 40 km down south. last I found myself in Parkson, Alor Star Mall.

It was near lunch time when we arrived. Kenny Rogers was more inviting than the other food outlet. Fahim was already crying for food and  Chicken Rice Shop was full.

Then into Parkson we went.

Going through aisle upon aisle of shoes was a daunting task. Nearly giving up of finding shoes for my broad feet. 

If I like the colour,the cutting was narrow.

If the colour and cutting were okeyed, the size was unavailable. The shoes were uncomfortable and so on.

I went out to Medifeet . None was for me.

Ventured into Bata, Vern and others too. Nothing suited me.

Then ,I recalled Camel Active was the most comfortable pair shoes I have earlier tried.

Mahai pun mahai la. Tak lawa pun takpa lah. Asal kaki selesa.

We came out of Parkson with a bag and two pairs of shoes.

Mission accomplished.

Unta pun unta lah

Terasa dan mmg dah berusia sangat. Lebih lebih lagi bila adalah orang dok remind makcikson dah tua....

Sedaq diri aihhh. Tak payah la dok remind.


Yes correct that was me...hihi. 
And I remind myself too not to speak about other's physical attributes.. 
Botak ke, capang ke, tgk sudah. Tak perlu jadi gedembai.
Semua nak tegur.
Bila org tegur kekurangan kita tau sentap. Haha.
That was me la...sentap bila org dok tegur kekurangan diri.

Dalam meniti usia adakala kita fikir tak apa....semua boleh saja.Sebab kita lebih berusia ,orang lain kena akur dengan kita.
No... correct me if I'm wrong .ok
Satu lagi... dont feed yourself negative thoughts about yourself. Thats the worst portion you feed to yourself. Very potent. 

Monday, June 6, 2022

DIY... Mee sup sempoi my way....

 Kata pun nama diberi Mee Sup Sempoi My Way. Tentulah resepi ikut tangan cikson bukan beli. Juga bukan kotiau seperti dalam gambar ini.....

ini kotiau bukan mee

Juga dimasak secara makcikpencen bukan chef yang ada nama.
Namun, habis juga berpinggan utk kami berdua....haha

Mee sup cara cikson....
Ayam dada n etc
Daun sup 
Penumis sup.
Bawang putih utk minyak bawang putih
Cili padi,bawang merah,kicap,gula utk cabai kicap.
Bebola ikan, udang etc

Cara caranya.... senang saja
1. Buat cili kicap
2. Buat minyak bawang putih
3. Masak sup.
4. Celur mee, sayur 

Nak hidang, carik carik isi ayam and peragakan ikut suka.....
Makanlah semau mu..

Mee sup ayam

Sunday, June 5, 2022

The story I like to share.....

 This is a poignant story.

Nothing unlikely

Nothing out of the ordinary

But that implants itself in my memory.

That this is humanity

Though the characters are not human..... nevertheless it teaches us not to be greedy.

As usual, when I wash the dishes, my interest wanders off to the lawn beyond my window.

I like to watch the birds, the couple of chickens that usually descend upon the leftover food I threw on the ground. Yes, I purposely threw leftover rice, noodles, bread freely on the ground so that the birds could have their meal.

I enjoy watching them . A variety of birds could be seen coming in groups or solo . Its like a fun fair. But free of charge and with replenishment. 

This morning I was privy to a scene.

The bigger bird

I was wondering why that solitary bigger bird was walking to and fro along the kerb. He stopped now and then. Like waiting for someone.

The piece of papaya was there for him to savour.

But no... he just kept walking up and down.

Then a smaller bird descended on the food. Then I understood.

The merbah wouldnt eat alone. He's waiting for company.So not greedy.

The duo then pecked happily on the papaya oblivious to others and ME!

The big n small bird

A lesson I learnt  today. Dont be greedy. Dah kaya usah tamak lagi...

Setiap kali membasuh pinggan,
Mata meleret ke hujung laman
Kisah burung jadi tarikan
Boleh diajari satu dua teladan.
Walau berlainan bangsa dan kasta
Harmoni itu pegangan mereka
Rezeki yg ada dikongsi bersama
Walau sedikit atau banyak yg dijumpa
Bkn mcm kita
Yg kaya bertambah kaya
Hasil rasuah, kroni dan salah guna kuasa.
Kita yg marhaen, pandai pandailah nak survive dlm kecelaruan yg ada.


I shared this on fb. 

Thats all folks. Have a happy holiday.