Friday, December 14, 2018

Kenduri kendara anak2 saudara... Feesya and Angah

Pada 1 hb December haritu adalah hari bersejarah dua anak saudara ciklicikson. Satu majlis akad nikah dan kenduri dan satu lagi kenduri menyambut menantu. Kena pula tarikh sama satu hari. Ni kali kedua kenduri bertembung begini. Di SP dan juga disini.
So apa keputusan kami?
Maka berpisah2 lah cikli cikson menuju destinasi sendiri2.
Satu tinggal di Perlis dan satu ke SP
Adilkan begini?

Majlis akad nikah anak saudara cikson diadakan pada hari Khamis.Kendurinya Sabtu. Dengan kesihatan yang tak menentu, cikson ke sana hari Jumaat ditemani ciklin . Dan selepas beramah tamah sebentar disana ,shoot balik ke Perlis utk kenduri Angah anak saudara cikli. Ha... sempat pun hadir didua dua belah pihak.

Kepada dua dua pasang pengantin, makngah/maklong doakan agar perkahwinan kamu,direstui, dirahmati,kekal bahagia hingga jannah.
Marriages are not made in heaven. Its down to earth. Any obstacles, any differences should be met with cool,clear heads.... pesan makngah.

For info, pengantin SP ie my niece sekarang ni sedang berback packing ke Tibet. Perjalanan pengembaraan dia boleh dibaca diblog dia disini.
fb...Kembara Cikgu Feesya

 Seronok baca pengalaman dia. She's the second child of my allahyarhamah eldest sister and Haji Salleh Lazim.

Gambar gambar dari majlis. Cilok sana sini . Jangan marah ya anak anak.

akad nikah Feesya

pengantin SP... cikson ada tapi dibelakang
Mereka yang hadir pada 1hb December di Pengkalan Lebai Man. Gambar2 dari fb. Sorry na pinjam gambaq hampa... haha.

adik bongsu n family with cousins n family

Sementara itu dirumah Pengantin Kangar Perlis...
Pengantin Kangar... merah bergaya warna tema.

Thats all folks... warkah yg terlewat dari sini.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Back to the square one...

As I was putting the washed clothes on the rack to dry, I noticed two black objects above my head. Soaring gracefully,the two beings seem to enjoy the peaceful morning air. Flapping their wings in a motion that move their bodies so effortlessly.
The three four legged darlings of RBL soon came to join my presence. Meowing so ever pleadingly that I might present them with left over morsel of food. Alas, no food was left over last night. Sorry dear.
The fowls too have a roaring time roaming the width of the compound. Kroooook kooooook oooook and PLOP! Smearing the porch with their droppings. Phewww!
Such is the athmosphere of RBL this moment. For two weeks I was oblivious to it. Being hooked up with household chores and tending to the needs of the family and the boys.Me is so kesibukan that I didnt have the time to pay attention to other things.
Now everything is back to the square one.
The chirping of the birds, the meowing of the cats,the crowing of the chickens are here to entertain me once again...yeeeehaaa.

All is back to normal...

back at work once tick tock workplace

cikli could snooze on the sofa with the tv watching him once again

the empty dining table greeted us this morningningning as pohim like to say.
the montserra chair cover was purchased in PB too.

For throwback time....
We gambled our way to Padang Besar on a Sunday despite knowing that it was a school holiday. Apa jadahnya pergi hari cuti awam. So.... finding a spot to park was a hassle. But by and by we did at the Padang Mart. So much of our buying were done here.
Cikten ended up buying three totos!One ended on my bed.
Passing the toys shop, Pohim insisted on having the box of lego toys.Tak mau dia bergerak lagi tak boleh apa dihajati. Oklah Pohim.  A belated bday present for him from tok.Seronok dia.

my toto


Hajat nak makan tomyam and pulut ayam had to be kivd. As an option we proceeded to the long not gone Teratai Putih. Kengson pun jadilah..At 83 ringgit for four pax its quite a sum.

adik and mama at Teratai Putih

While they were here,cikson jamu mereka dgn home cooked food as far as possible. Kesianlah pula nak tapau food sentiasa. And here were some items on the menu...
Mee kuah kongfu cikson style...
Moi ayam, nasi goreng nenas.
Bihun goreng,cucuq milo. gulai ikan
Nasi lemak  kakchon dgn ayam masak merah...siap tapau bawa balik

Thats all folks..Thanks so much anak2 ,menantu dan cucu2 yang menyerikan hari hari tua kami . It was a blast.
Rasa nak pi KL pun ada sementelah cikten masih cuti. Pi gomoi cucu2 dua ketul tu.
Tapi ada tapinya...
Bila sonny bonny kena pi India lah kita pi send off. Kesian pula sampai setahun nak kena makan tikka and curry masala. Anyway,buat keputusan yg sesuai sonny.A year is long although its only one year. Best of luck in all your undertakings.

Bye... See you later.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Keletah Ahim...the little singer and lyricist

Keta ni besaaaar....sempat jenguk showroom kereta lagi..

Seketika berada dikampung halaman, tok and wan dihiburkan oleh this budding artist.
Selain Mr Ragaman didendangkan Ahim, lagu Gruffalo juga menjadi kegemaran si little angel ciklicikson ni.
Jom layan sat lagu lagu dia...

Oh lagu dia semasa di KL. lagu dia dendangkan sambil belajar bersama ibu.

Selain tu,kegemaran dia mereka lyric sendiri ikut tune yang dia suka.
Sepanjang jalan ke Padang Besar tempoh hari, kiut saja dia nyanyi ikut apa dia rasa to the tune of Merry Christmas.
Yang geli hati tu sempat dia bahankan emaknya.
Jingle bell jingle bell,jingle all the way
Mama jangan marah, ho ho ho ho heh!

Sambil mewarna atau menyusun lego , ada saja lagu yang di humming nya.That small boy of three years old was our source of entertainment for the two weeks they were at kampung halaman. Sempat juga berstory telling dengannya at bed time.

Thats all folks. Harap jgn fedup ya bila cikson upkan ttg cucu2 saja sejak dua menjak ini. Well, this is a form of records of my time with them. Nanti bila rindu boleh throwback ..haha.

Bye. Have a pleasant day.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Keletah Ahim... kampung halaman

Ahim @ Pohim is Muhammad Fahim Zaidan, my cucu.
Sekarang dia berada di kampung halaman.
Wow? Kampung halaman from a three yr old kid.
I asked him.. kampung halaman tu apeee?
And his answer astounded me..
Kampung halaman tu Pelih, ada tok,ada wan ada cats ada cikin...
I asked his mum where he learnt the phrase. Was he tutored to say that..
Well, it seems that the tv programme of Omar and Hana was the likely source.
Hence...kampung halamaaan.

Dah besar cucu tok,I said.
Ahaaa...cucu tok dah besaaar,came his reply.
Now his bff is his tokwan. He rather be left behind by his parents at home than follow them to town.
When asked why choose tokwan as his bff. His reply made us burst in laughter.
Wan baaaaik. Wan gosok gigi.
Haaa apa kena mengena baik and gosok gigi.
When he saw a group of teens,he said they too were baaaik. Depa gosok gigi.Rupanya budak2 youngsters tu dok gelak2 and senyum2 nampak gigi.

Last night,at the dinner table,he saw a tube of milk.
Ini apeee?
Baca lah sendiri. I replied.
Oh ini buat kek. Squuuuueze. Yes, he said squeeze. Bubuh air. Kacau .Jadi kek.
He then went on to read the words on his Pedisure Milk.
Ini susu Fahim . Fahim suka minum. Rasa cikelaaat.
Beria2 dia membaca. As if the prints said so...Haha...Bolehlah Pohim .

Kucing2 di RBL sekarang hanya tinggal Monkey and Pong.
Feeding the cats is his great joy.
Ni name ape? He asks again again.
Monkey? He asked in disbelief.
When told the name. Surprised why a cat was named Monkey kot.

Haahaa... bayak lagi keletah dia ni. Tak kering gusi atok and wan as well as his neneks.

His favotite phrase as of now is Jangan Takuuut.....