Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Easy Life?

Its been quite a while since I last wrote about them.
The furry four legged beings of RBL,I mean.

Ninasandaq just delivered. Monkey had an emergency visit to the vet . She been through a lot .Poor soul. 
Bu is still her meek self. Given chance ,she would rub her body to gain sympathy and attention. Meowing softly.
The lonely castaway kitten that came into RBL has now grown bigger. And cheekier. Could see her playing happily with Bu and Monkey on the floor of the porch.

But alas,they seem to acquire some sort of fungi disease on them. And if shelf medication dont work,the vet is the solution. Kena bawa depa jumpa Dr. apa ke nama ntah kat Klinik Haiwan.
Hmm... its quite boring without them in the house. But to give them a free rein the house is out of question. Dont know whether my furry children like the free reign of the courtyard or the restricted area of the house.
See...they seem happy chasing each other among the bushes.
I think I am more of need of them than them of me..right?
Rasa sunyi sangat sometimes. Kalau depa masuk rumah sekali sekala baru lah cikson dapat bercakap...haha.. Bercakap in terms of tak risau di interpret wrongly.Kan bila bercakap dengan manusia lain kita cakap lain pula interpretsainya. Tak kuasa.Still cant get over dan tertanya tanya .

Sometimes... being them ,having carefree life is better than being caged in the house. Being hoooman for that matter.

bawah pokok buluh tu miang,jangan dok pi main

laman ni kan luas...

pokok kelapa seronok tau dipanjat panjat

kawasan dan laman tiga buah rumah utk bermain

agaknya itulah kata Nina pada anaknya Monkey
Tak mati pun kita kena duduk diluar rumah...

Thats all for today.
Jadi mereka tak payah bayar bil itu ini
Semak kepala tau kena buat begini setiap kali.

Monday, October 22, 2018

The khashoggi debacle

Been watching as the story unfold since day one.
On the first day the news appeared,Breaking News CNN was airing it non stop for  days
I was puzzled. The question was why was Uncle Sam so particular with this murder ? He is a Saudi ,right? Murder,mass murder is happening by the thousands each and every day. Bombing in Syria ,Yemen and and so in Afghanistan with thousand killed didnt seem to attract so much world attention and news.
So why with this one?

The pre mediated murder shook the Arab world.
The mastermind... the crown prince katanya
Trump is in a limbo. Nak kutuk,nak ambil tindakan kawan.

They were so many versions of how Mr Khashoggi met his untimely  demise.
News had it that the watch he was wearing transmitted the events to his phone held by his fiance.
Fingers cut during the interrogation.
Then he was dismembered and his remains put in acid.

Kejam sangat. Macam zaman jahiliah.
Agak agak depa belajar dari Malaysia kut no macam mana nak bunuh orang.
Kita pun hebat sangat.
C4 ,tong dram, bakar sampai jadi abu semua ada.Penyiasat kita mmg hebat kerana dapat membawa kes kes ini kemuka pengadilan walau jasad dah hancur lebur dibuatkan.

This one gruesome murder nampak seakan akan menggoncang dunia. Dunia Arab yang sedia bergoncang ,nampaknya akan bergoncang lagi.
Bekalan senjata Arab Saudi dari Amerika ada katanya hendak ditarik balik.
Negara Isalam tersohor itu bakal dikenakan embargo dan bermacam lagi telahan.

Apa lagi nak jadi hai dunia. Sini sana ada masaalahnya.

Heard on CNN ...the pronunciation is Kasuci ..

Sunday, October 21, 2018


Thoughts that come and go
Like the  colours of the rainbow
Green,blue,magenta and indigo
But black ,white and grey...hey no

Silver linings and gold glitters a welcome sight
Red flaming ,burning ,scorching we usually take flight

Those colours that colour our thoughts
Should be chosen well and well should we begot.

Whoooosh... my try at rhymes and poems
Nothing much that are decorated with pompoms
On the walls they adorned

Ada masa fikiran penuh sepenuhnya
Eh bukan ada masa la
Setiap masa. Ada saja yg singgah dibenak fikiran
Tentang diri,keluarga,saudara mara dan negara
Juga menerewang hingga luar negara.

Kisah politik ditanah air tercinta
Penuh dramatik dan drama
Dula disanjung,dipuja
Kini... terdampar menggelupur untuk menegak kebenarannya.

Kisah Kashoggi juga apa kurangnya
Penuh intrik,misteri dan espionage segala.
New York,Istanbul,Riyadh pun bergelora
Anak Raja mau tak senang duduknya.

Ya... bila fikir banyak sangat
Itu jadi jiwa tak larat.
Semoga penamat segala yang terjadi berakhir dengan selamat
Untuk anak cucu mewarisi tanah air dan dunia dengan hormat yang bukan dibuat buat.

Bye..have a beautiful day.

Saturday, October 20, 2018


It saddens me to read about it.
Sad to the core.

From what it seems as an accidental death, its a tragedy,preplanned.
The news about bodies found in the river at three separate places shocked us. I know that river because I used to travel along it for two years during my stint as n MBMMBI teacher in Chemumar.
Sungai Tambun Tulang ,its muddy water flowing slowly in the dry season but could swell in rainy days.

Hairan macamana mereka boleh jatuh dalam sungai tu was our initial response.

Then the mystery unfolded.
Its suicide!
Masya Allah... apa agaknya sebab mereka mengambil keputusan berbuat begitu. Tak terjangka difikiran ku.
Dan akhirnya terungkai sebabnya. AH LONG!

Ditengah tengah kemelut pemimpin negara dilondeh ttg kekayaan tahap gila baboon dan unka mereka, entah berapa juta manusia penduduk Malaysia tercengkam hidup kerana papa kedana. Rumah terlelong, kedamaian hidup terancam. The next meal on the table entah dapat disediakan atau tidak.
Have gone through that phase when I was growing up. Tapi masa itu boleh kata semua orang susah. Tak ada dispariti menyala macam kini. Compang camping pakaian ke sekolah tapi semangat kami kuat. Kalau kita selekeh bab pakaian kita tunjuk hebat dalam pelajaran. Be ahead of our friends in fields that they arent. Di situ kita beroleh kekuatan.

That aside... have seen how torturous it could be to be haunted by debts or hutang.Or when there's no moolah to buy essential necessities

Mengasah parang ,mengugut bunuh diri dan mencederakan keluarga macam tak ada apa2.Macam tak ada pegangan agama.
Kisah yg terjadi di Sabah kalau tak silap saya juga amat hiba. Sanggup si ibu membunuh anak 2 bila akal sudah tidak lagi berdaya memikir sebaiknya.

In reality, hidup kita rapuh sebenarnya.
Hari ini kita di puncak kekayaan,kegemilangan,entah esok kita bagai ranting kering ayng rapuh. Bila bila masa gugur ke bumi. Dipungut si miskin utk dijadi kayu api.

Bye. Have a blessed weekend .