Wednesday, December 3, 2014

baju segunung,pinggan sebukit

Its day 4 after the big day.The bride and groom are off to the island of Mahsuri.The brother and sisters are back in their workplace soothing sore muscles and tired limbs.Leaving the two old hands to straighten the house back in order.....huhu.

Everything happened for a reason....abang baru dapat kerja ditempat baru and he has to start work on the 1st of December.The able bodied person in the family travelled back and forth to accompany the sisters .And later to whitewash the mouldy fences around the perimeter of RBL.

The kakaks were the strong women esp.the elder.Chipping in financially and making the hantarans.Yes,we did a number of DIY for this wedding....the goodie bags ,the candy booth,the bilik pengantin had our fingers busy.
Special mention to the toks and mak/pak menakans as well as the guests for the angpows....bolehlah menolong langsai hutang kan..hehe.
Mee udang by the Roses...Roslan and wifey were to die for.Juga tidbits yang mengiringi.
Juga buat yang menyumbang tenaga dan barangan...jasa kalian tak terbalas .
The jemputan yang datang bertandang juga memainkan peranan.Tanpa mereka apalah guna dewan yang indah.Speaking about the dewan ,I love the subtle colour of the dais and the walkway.Everything was in harmony.Banyak tetamu yang memuji .Aalia you make us happy.Haasz has it if you are looking for a reasonable wedding decor.
The food was finger licking good.Puan Kinah was one marvellous caterer which I would be proud to promote.Many happy guests were eager to know you.
 The Djs too is worth a mention.Just got to know them through ROapers.They did a brilliant job.Ever ready to comply with the tuan rumah.DJ Topiq depa suka lagu pak mertua mengasuh cucu...hehe.
We didnt have much  to offer like most people...tak ada extra food except as catered.But our cucur peneram was number one...those who nibble on this dessert gave a thumb up.Secara kebetulan bertemu di Borong Din ,makcik terus berurusan.Pilihan yang tepat.Puan ...lain kali kita berurusan lagi ya.
The muffin makers pun mkcik berpuas hati....senang berurusan dengan beliau.Ramah budi bahasa.

And nad the makeup artist make my girl look stunning.In my eyes la...

 Apa apa pun kalau tak ada pihak pengantin lelaki semua perkara tak jadi. My previous encounter could vouch for this.Tak terucap syukur dan terimakasih cikson buat mereka .Semoga ukhwah yang dibina ini terpelihara.

Oh ya, yang lain lain yang terpeleot tu ...was history.

Glancing through the corner of the house....segunung kain dan baju dok tunggu utk dilipat.Pinggan sebukit dah makcik beres....

.....dari kacamata makcikson..Kalau cikson tak mention tolong maafkan ya.Bye.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Syukur yg tak berpenghujung

 It all started with the merisik beginning of the year and two days ago my love Faten was wedded to anakanda Safuan Shafie.No words could describe my feelings.Juga syukurnya seorang mama yang tidak berpenghujung.Alhamdulilah.

 Semoga Allah melimpahkan rahmatnya kepada anak dan menantu.Amin.

Syukur kerana cuaca yang baik ditengah gusar banjir melanda
Syukur ditemukan dengan vendor vendor yang baik budi dan bahasa
Syukur pada tetamu yang meluang masa menjenguk majlis yang tak sepertinya.
Sudah tentu pada pihak pengantin lelaki yang sudi menerima anakanda saya seadanya.

Dan paling tinggi Syukur pada Allah yang maha esa atas rahmatnya.
Yang baik itu dariNya dan yang kurang itu dari  kelemahan diri saya sekeluarga.Andai kurang layanan pada tetamu yang tiba,cikson mohon maaf berjuta.

Amin .Ya Rabbil alamin.

Hullo....miss you

Hampir sebulan  tak mampir diruang ini terasa bagai ada kekosongan .
Hi...I'm back folks.
Loads of things happened while I was MIA.

......till then.Bye.Assalamuailakum.

Friday, October 31, 2014


Been busy .So very busy that this poor darling of mine has been neglected.Busy physically ,mentally ,emotionally and not to forget financially....mengalahkan menteri mau pun peguam peguam DSAI.Selagi berdaya everything that comes our way should be addressed one at a time.No hurry hurry,Right?

No no.....hanya tinggal 28 days approx. to the big day...

So dear  blog, so sorry for not updating.Will come back to you when time permits.Insha Allah.