Waiting for the food to arrive at our table sometimes is membosankan. Sometimes it takes ages. With children among us, the situation might be tense.
Kita main game la..kata si abang bila lihat adik yg tgh monyok.
Round robbin. A game of naming the countries by their first letter was played.
A...America was answered by me. B ...Bolivia by auntiena and the game continued.
Then came my turn again. It was S. Without hesitation I blurted out Scandinavia.
Scandinavia? A puzzled look came across abang Pohim' s face.
Is there such a country?. The nine year old kid questioned my answer.
Tanya adik. Tanya adik. Ada tak country nama Scadinavia.
Nope! Was his eager reply. My 6 year old cucu was all sure of himself.
There's no Scandinavia.
To google we went to find the answer. Betullah. Scandinavia bukan country. Dia mcm Brics . Mcm Middle East. Mcm United Nation.
Haha..Budak 6 thn yakni adik lebih hebat dari bekas GB, X U students wei. Bagi dia flags and countries of the world semua dlm kepala dia.
Kat barber satu hari dia nampak world map pulak. Selamba dia sebut nama countries yg ditunjuk atas peta.
Walau membaca masih teragak agak. Baru 2 ni baru nampak progress dia dlm membaca. Thanks to tok wan's KL effort....
Dia ada extended tuition lepas balik tadika. Bimbang tok dernya cucu tak lancar membaca naik thn satu next year.
Rindu nya.