Sunday, March 3, 2024


 Dah lama benar tak lalu jalan ini. Adalah bertahun.

Oh me oh my. Wasnt I taken by surprise! Yes,indeed.

Jalan Kilang Gula as we call it was a countryside that eyes could be hold.

We used to awe at the beautiful scenery along the road.

The green lush undulating hills reminded us of NZ.

But all those were gone.

The green luscious hills are now 'gondolised'  to make way for the Perlis Inland Port . 

The sugar cane plants were gone. Rubber trees are in place instead.

We came across trailers upon trailers along the road. Carrying 'harta Karun ' from the gondolised hills nearby.

Sayang sunggoh lihat bukit2 yg sdg digondolkan.

In a few years rasanya jgn terkilan bila semua bukit yg cantik tu dah tiada.

Bukit Cabang pun dah rebeh ! 


Sunday, January 28, 2024

Hi there.....

 It takes effort to be on this laptop of mine. Today I dragged myself to it. 

This ancient relic of hand me down Asus Computer riba could still be handy . In spite of  having to change the date every time I key in. Haha what a mess!

The old Singer still serves as a table . Facing the window ,I could and able to appreciate the green scenery before me. The tiny plot of sawah is still there. A white bird could be seen flapping its wings in the air.

And the merry chirpy sounds of  other birds still could be heard in the early morning. 

Thanks Allah for bestowing me the pleasure to hear and see until now. 

Hi there.

Syukur itu nikmat.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Rasa ceria pun hilang..

Sejak meletus peperangan 7 Oktober hilang rasa nak berceria,bersuka.

Hilang juga hobby tonton berita dunia. Lebih2 lagu channel dari barat. Pekat dgn berita tentang kemusnahan. Tapi berat menyebelahi kezaliman.

Semalam,dgn sikit kekuatan scroll fb n tiktok. Terjumpa gambar kemusnahan,kesengsaraan mereka di Gaza strip. Pengeboman tanpa belas ihsan. Semua terbakar,roboh dan musnah. Lebih malang masih beribu nyawa manusia disitu.

Di sini pula riuh tentang acara2 yg dijalankan disekolah utk menyatakan solidariti kita dgn pihak yg dizalimi.

Allahu...sesekali menyokong dan sesekali membantah.

Nak tunggu dan lihat apa parlimen kata Isnin ni. 

Sunday, October 22, 2023