Friday, July 5, 2024

Home is where the heart is ....

 Since leaving my job, home is where my heart is. Gone were the days of travelling outstation .

Gone too were the days of balik kampung halamen since tt's demise. 

Gone were the days of going places since cikli been ill. No more out of state driving skill.

Gone too were the days of hopping on the train anytime we fancy since both of us were taken ill. 

And home is where ciklison found solitude and solace.

And cikson rekindled her love for home improvement. Making her rbl a livable place.

Keen on decorating,these are some of her effort. Nothing expensive. Bargains and discounts are her fav.hunt.

Tak segah rumah puan , kerana ikut kemampuan.

Semoga tenang.


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