Thursday, October 25, 2018

DIY... Jom melemak the easy way.

Bila selalu gulai gulai gulai
Teringin pula nak melemak bagai
Jadi satu hari, cikson puts on her thinking gear
On what to cook for lunch for her and hubby dear.

She found out that she had these with her

3 pieces of ikan talang fresh not salted
Tomatoes,serai,halia, white bawang and red bawang and cili padi
A packet of santan and kunyit.
Cili paste blended cikson style.

Chop up serai,halia, bawangs,cili padi
Pour some oil and fry the chop ingredients with some turmeric and cili paste.
Put in fish.
Pour santan. Throw in some asam keping.
Put in tomatoes when fish is nearly cooked. Do not over boil.
Serve with nasi panas panas.

Senang kan.
Tapi selera orang utara lebih dgn gulai
Masak lemak2 ni hanyalah selingan .
cili padi kicap, goreng buncis ,masak lemak ikan talang,ikan goreng
served with white rice and ubat...

rutin harian cikli
Makan ubat dgn nasi

masak lemak ikan talang dgn terung

buncis goreng... alahai minyaknya terlebih pula

Thats all folks..
Hari ni nak  masak apa ya.
Yg tinggal dalam fridge... ayam seketul, taukua @ tauhu.


  1. sedapnyaaa. feveret tuuu kacang buncis..

  2. Dulu saya kurang masak lemak ni. Tapi bila makin berusia suka pula dah

    1. Kena hati hati tu.. takut bertambah lemak tepu,mau macam2 penyakit mai serbu.
