Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Thru the eyes of ninasandaq... the antics of abam fahim

Hi people,its Tuesday once again.
Come Tuesday,Thru Ups n Downs is dedicated to nina's thought n fancies...hehe.


Its quite a havoc when budak banyak akal as mamason put it came visiting his grandmom. Last Wednesday, with his mummy,ayah and lil baby brother ,he arrived at RBL just before maghrib. It was a long journey from KL ,so they said.

That night nina could hear his wailing loud and clear.
Nak pi rumah tok,nak pi rumah tok... between his sobs.
Ni kan rumah tok,cikson replied
Tak... ni butan...
He clinged to his father and refused to be consoled. The louder he wailed when someday tried to calm him down. So much for a two year old terrible two's temper tantrum.

Esok tok beli swimming poooool.
Tak mau. Tak nak...

At last after tiring himself he fell asleep.And all was quiet until the next morning.

The next morning....
When nina went into the house, Fahim was a happy self and greeted nina beaming with a smile.
Nina dah akan...he asked me wether I had eaten.
Bu and Nyet following me attracted his attention too.He chased after them trying to pull them by their tails. This startled and terrified the two and they scuttled out of the door in no time at all. Never to enter the house at the sight of abam Fahim.

Now and then, Abam Fahim would put on his show.
He could be seen jumping as in temple run, singing songs that he knew of and make believe s.
The green tins were his favourite toys.Nobody taught him how to use it.
One moment,it was obstacles for the temple run. He would lay down the tins and run over them hailing huk huk huk.
The next time ,the tins were arranged in such a way,it resembled a bday cake on tok wan's sarung. He sang the bday song and puffed at the make believe bday candle. Clapping gleefully.

But his temper tantrums were a class of its own.....

Until cikson went to PB with auntie eena and brought home a mini swimming pool. He was such a happy toddler when given the chance to enter the pool.
Sonok... nak swim.Tok beli. Auntie eena beli...he would tell people.

Oh well.. he's into story telling too.
Gigi supih... he went to demo how he collided with wawa and he fell to the floor. Senget benget dia tunjuk how he went down.
But no mention of  school. He pulled a long face at the mention of sekolah. Such a bad experience for him.

Alahai abam Fahim... those were some of his antics..Such a lively child he is.
Some vocabs of him..
Naik,naik naik.... he imitated the kambings' episode of balik reban that he watched.
I got,you got it... aunty eena taught him..
Bu , Monkey.... calling after the nina's munchkins.
Tok Perlis...

But his attachment to atet @ gadget was something that should be dealt with .... I hope.

Thats all folks..bye

Kita main sini aja anak anak..
Mamason tak bagi kami masuk rumah.
Tu la asyik nak garu saja..

Nina...mai swim
Sonok tau...

Video nila yg abam Fahim minat sangat
Berbelas kali dia tgk.
Dah hafal ...naik naik naik
Up up up up up..

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