Tuesday, January 2, 2018

If its meant to be,it will be,it will be...

I was behind the wheels when I heard this beautiful melidious song. Someone has earlier tuned in to that FM radio incidently. Anak2 la ni.

If Its meant to be,it will be ,it will be....
So haunting was the song that the lyric kept playing in my ears.
Oh well...cikson googled u tube and wallawel came across the singer
Bebe Roxa!

Cantik dan menarik orangnya. Macam Miss World.

Itulah... if something is meant to be ,it will be. It will be.

Looking back,in retro.so many incidences,accidents and what not matters happened not because we want it.
Regret not...just pick up your broken pieces, hot glue them and move on.

Today is the first day of schools for schools in many parts of Malaysia. For those not in the know,Malaysia has quite a few perplexing systems. However small she may be.
One of that is working days.
Some have it on Sunday to Thursday  while others Monday to Friday.
Perlis follows the later while her next door neighbour the former.
Well...in some instances,inconviniences crept leeway.

Happy working darling children
May 2018 bring you abundance of luck and prosperity in your working life
May it bring good vibes in everything you do.

Jodoh?...mama sentiasa mendoakan jodoh jodoh kamu yang baik baik. Semoga 2018 membawa rahmat itu.

The song if its meant to be continues to play in my mind....

If its meant to be,it will be,it will be.

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