Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Haze Hell Over Asia....kita pindah ya anak anak

Read somewhere even the animals are suffering in this haze.Ya lah...depa pun hirup udara yang sama nak hidup.
And its no wonder mamasandaq was acting queerly .
The whole brood was put in the cage at the back of the house....bukan backside of the house ya ....hehe gelihati tervaca somewhere ada ke di tulis' 'backside'.Its the back of the house never backside of the house...huahua.

Oh K back to the point...

This morning as I was ketuk ketuking the keyboard I heard a loud commotion outside the house.At the speed of lightning I was there with Squirrel in tow.
Phew... it was ninasandaq with two of her babes.They must have braved the drains ,the undergrowth, to make the journey from the back to the front of the house.

And as usual,ninasandaq must have dragged and pulled cikteh heavily.Being big for his size it must be a torment to make that ardous journey.Poor Teh. He was lying motionless on the floor,jerking as if breathing for his last breath.And he pooed and peed.Squirrel was there beside him as if trying to soothe the baby.Then he lay beside nina putting his paws across her neck as if comforting the mum...Sabar ya ...sat lagi baiklah dia tu.

After a while,cikteh got onto his feet and walked dazedly .Macam orang kena todi....

eeeee gayat

why am I here 


help me

ninasandaq ni...ade ke letak anak atas meja

Now.... the brood is back in the cage at the back of the house.
No  pindah pindah ya ninasandaq.


  1. kesian kat depa...bagi la pakai 'mask'....pasai takot depa sakit rhengkong!

    1. Dah tengok satu gambar kat fb...dia orang pakaikan pampers kat hidung kucing.

  2. Kasih ibu ... :-) Lucunya tgk muka Teh. Tq Cikgu for a cute post. Tetiba rindu pd kucing2 yg pernah bertakhta dihati n rumah kami ... Huhu

    1. Muhaini,
      Teh ni mmg cute tapi rasanya retard sikit.Adik beradik dia dah berebut makan.Dia asyik dok pi tokak pinggan plastik.

      Kucing dah jadi pengubat sunyi mamason.
