Saturday, May 21, 2011

SKRPB - through the lens


Sometimes ,we take things around us for granted. We noticed but its no more than meet thee eyes. Well maybe in this age of mine ,being able to see,touch,smell are just awesome.Not all of us who are of my age are able to do these simple things.

Ya lah …..mata kian rabun

                 telinga kian kurang kepekaan.

                 Lutut pula kian berketaran

                 Brain cells pula kian kelupaan…….

Dan seribu satu lagi ailments associated with old age.

So in this posting,I would like to appreciate nature around me through my humble mr olympus.



Diseberang pagar , sawah hijau luas terbentang

green plains as far as the eys could wander

Tapi apa ya macam twister saja dihujung sana

from afar I wonder what they are

Putih berseri nampak ceria setiap pagi.

never stop to admire

Rasa macam di negeri Uncle John pula rasanya bila melihat ini.Rasa nak jadi cowboy syok sendiri.


my source of teaching aids

Ok till next time …..cheerio.

Mungkin lain pula focus point nanti.Bye.


  1. Memang indah bila kita tengok apa yang di sekeliling kita especially Nature..of coz dikaitkan dgn kebesaran Allah..Saya sendiri selalu appreciate Allah SWT creations..walaupun seekor semut yg kecil melintasi depan mata..
    Allah Hu Akbar..

  2. Marina,
    Benar sekali .Semenjak berminat ambil gambar landscape,mamason rasa dekat dengan Nature.Hingga awan awan yang tak dipeduli dulu dilihat dengan takjub.Takjub dengan Kebesaran Penciptanya.Dan tentu sekali terhadap deria deria yang dipinjam .Allah Hu Akbar.
