Saturday, June 26, 2010

Worried me sick

I am worried about Dell.It seems that after his near fatal sickness few weeks ago,he pulled through, only to have a new predicament befell upon him.

Eh,dia pun macam tuan dia juga tak habis habis dirundung dugaan.

I noticed that the tip of his nose is reddened and its widening.There were visible hair loss in that region.Now  upon close inspection,hair loss were not only on the nose but  on his head and parts of his body.

Macamana boleh jadi lagu ni. He who was once a handsome boy is bald in certain parts.

Tolong macamana nak ku ubati hero ku ini.Give me back my handsome boy,please.


dell baru baik demam

Googled info about cats skin disease and one possible reason that I suspected was his dose of antibiotic. Or could he got it from Jade.

As Jade too got hairless patches on her body.

Adoi,lepas satu satu.Lepas ni apa lagi?

We seemed to keep having them. Problems I mean.

Lepas ni mungkin bertuah pula kot.

Sijil Simpanan Premium nak buat cabutan minggu ni.

Moga moga makcik dapat Merc  kot.Hi hi. Wishful thinking.

those darn cats 004

Tengok tu bulu Dello yang gondol macam bukit balak kena curi tebang.Sepanjang highway - LPT


  1. O poor you little thing,fret not,mommy will get u see the vet asap.Kan mama? Kesian dia nanti jadi botak chin. Dah bukan kucing dah,dah macam cikgu Desa ex GB sri indra dulu.Hahahaha

  2. engkau ni aten,cikgu desa pula .Kesian kat Dello,Dari mcm Christiano Ronaldo dah jadi tak macho.Poor chap.
